Quake and Flying Characters

I think it would be fun and a nice balance to make flying characters like AA, DS, Modok and Vulture immune to Quake’s earthquake generating heavies and aftershocks. It makes sense, plus it provides a limited option for having an advantage while fighting her, especially if she’s stun immune and often goes into her earthquake-generating heavy after throwing a combo into your block. I hardly think it would nerf her, either, since there are few flying characters and she wouldn’t have to rely on these two attack methods to beat these characters (except for Modok, against whom I would probably use her heavies a lot). And by flying characters, I mean those that are always flying - no champs like Hype or Sentry who float as they idly walk to you but otherwise stand while attacking and blocking.
Just like Daredevil not being bothered by Hood going invisible. Keeps the game entertaining.
But Mordo is working in the Mirror Dimension and controls the physics of the battle arena for the duration of his SP3.
I don’t think so. Magneto rips metal upwards out of the earth and Juggy sends rocks flying upward - there’s no reason to believe these wouldn’t hit flying characters who, after all, are only just floating above the ground. It would start and stop with Quake.
Then what about Dr.strange's s3?
in fact they should implent that ability...whenever a flying champion is near mags his ability grounds them for the duration of the fight lol
Now wouldn't we love seeing DS on the ground again.
Magneto vs Magneto (Same versions)Down the ground.
Magneto vs Magneto (Marvel now)Up in the air,Dash attack time reduced
The E1 blast yes. But the heavy charge atack that causes concussion is clearlly a ground thing to me
Also, DD can't evade her sp1, or Jugg's? He used to evade Magneto's sp2, but they changed that. Also makes no sense.
I disagree with the idea that Magneto can ground all flying opponents. Unless your means of flight is dependent on metal or magnetic fields, he has no power over them. Is there a comic based precedence for such an ability?
Or Spider-Man. It’s awful to see Peter slipping on the log bridge that any normal super strength person should be able to grab, much less Spider-Man, Mr Grip himself....
Magneto should have magnetized on so many more opponents than are currently affected by it. I also think certain magical metals also should not be affected like how mjolnir isn't.