Why everyone is joking and recruiting in the wrong way

Everyone seems to think where you end is where you begin in the next season..... sorry to break it to everyone but far from the truth.... remember season one in the beginning where you couldn't see where you were.... that was because your placement was based on the points you got those first 3 wars.... that's how every season will start... so you should be looking at war rating and tier for your new swaps.... because those in higher tiers will have a higher starting multiplier.... meaning more points towards season.... then you need to look at how often they won.... for example my alliance won every war but 2.... walnut we started last season in tier 8 so it was an uphill battle from silver 2.... in the last season we climbed 4 tiers and 2 season brackets.... so in short if you want to be 8n a higher season bracket join an alliance in a higher tier that is organized and wins 90% of their wars or more
They are more then welcome too go to one with a better rating but saying an alliance with an 1100 war rating is higher then an 1800 one because they are "in gold 2" is asinine. They finished season 1 higher but season one rank has nothing to do with season 2..... it's like saying hey we are a top 100 aq clan 2 months ago so our but so that rank will help us get there this month.... they have nothing to do with anything...