What is your opinion of the current state of the contest?

VizardVizard Member Posts: 71
Just curious. And as a follow-on. Who is most responsible for your view? Your alliance? Kabam? The RNG gods? other (please elaborate)

What is your opinion of the current state of the contest? 50 votes

Very favorable
6% 3 votes
Somewhat favorable
20% 10 votes
Somewhat unfavorable
36% 18 votes
Very unfavorable
36% 18 votes
No opinion
2% 1 vote
Refuse to answer
0% 0 votes


  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    In some ways,I guess.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    It's a free fighting game that lets you progress quickly with a ton of features to enjoy. I don't see why it would not be enjoyable.

    Agreed that there are some bugs and not everything is perfect and we all want to open God tier champs, but besides all that we can all rant here for free as well. Its definitely enjoyable.
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  • VizardVizard Member Posts: 71
    think of it as something like 60% good, 40% bad for somewhat favorable. And the opposite for somewhat unfavorable.
  • Time4ASpankingTime4ASpanking Member Posts: 199
    Before I answer, can anyone explain the differences between "somewhat favorable" and "somewhat unfavorable"?

    Somewhat favorable means you are happy with more than you are upset about. Somewhat unfavorable means you are happy about some things, but it's just barely not enough to make you entirely positive about the game right now
  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    Generally disappointed with a lot of what's going on. I just see so much wasted potential and what seems like a lack of care (whether that's true or not is a mystery to me...that's just the way it looks) The only redeeming quality IMO is the IP
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  • Dtl7714Dtl7714 Member Posts: 493 ★★★
    I just wish they would put some effort into fixing long standing bugs. If creating regular updates, a new event quest every month, buffing/nerfing characters, and redoing AQ (adding sentinels for instance), I don't see why you can't put any noticeable effort into longstanding problems.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    I feel like they are completely losing sight of what the community needs from the game. It's all one sided right now to suck as much money from us as possible. I get that it's a game, but I'm getting pretty deflated.

    Lastly, when someone posts a honest comment about how they feel towards the game in a neutral demeanor, that shouldn't warrant the mods to take that down.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    In some ways,I guess.

    Unfavourable,This game is everything I love mixed into one,
    Marvel,Fighting game.I like it!

    But the truth is,Every new bug that crops up makes me wanna quit the game more.

    I'm just Joking! Y'all know that I'm kidding right?!No?Fine.Fine.FINE.
  • VizardVizard Member Posts: 71
    Then the descriptor should be “mostly” and not “somewhat.”

    Then you’d also need to change very to something else. But not really worth debating survey language 😜. Anyways I assume you understand the difference now?
  • saiteja1107saiteja1107 Member Posts: 30
    Vizard wrote: »
    Just curious. And as a follow-on. Who is most responsible for your view? Your alliance? Kabam? The RNG gods? other (please elaborate)

    Iam still playing with those champs that I have played since a year...Game has improved a lot but not my roster.This make me somewhat pissed off.
  • VizardVizard Member Posts: 71

    Iam still playing with those champs that I have played since a year...Game has improved a lot but not my roster.This make me somewhat pissed off.

    Yeah I definitely get that. The only change to my questing roster recently has been the addition of iceman. Personally wouldn’t mind a break from new champs in favor of old ones being buffed and reintroduced in the monthly event quest.
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Just quit my alliance due to the rubbish AQ changes, terrible gameplay/bugs, a series of terrible pulls and the general over the top grind of the game.

    Starting AQ at 7am and finishing my lane at 11pm is burning me out (map5x5). Add to that the rediculous crashes and everything costing us hard earned resources... I’m taking a break for awhile.

    Will pop back in when/if the carnage fix comes through but I’d say this is the end of the line for me.
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    edited April 2018
    Haha they stopped this snapping to the top when commented on... gotta love Kabam censorship.
  • VizardVizard Member Posts: 71
    It’s just an opinion poll. I don’t see why it’d be prevented from moving to the top. Would be nice to get to around 100-200 votes 🤔. Could really shift things in favor of the contest.
  • VizardVizard Member Posts: 71
    No bump?
  • PandoraFlamePandoraFlame Member Posts: 110
    I love this game, 100% in love with how its going. I mean, I wish energy would be faster to get and all, but yeah. Overall I think that everything is great!! :-D
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