How can you fix dozens of game crash a day?

Tristan2301Tristan2301 Member Posts: 57
I've been playing everyday and I always encounter game crash in arena quest and worst in aw and aq bad thing is my champs hps when I get back is cut into half(aq and aw) without a fight! It's not only me almost all my members in my ally got these issues!


  • Tristan2301Tristan2301 Member Posts: 57
    Yeah you opened halls of healing last week but all the potions we got there was all taken from bad game crash specially in aw an aq! Then solo events solo revives are out and replace with 3* signature stones so every revives now are in stores! We love the game but pls fix this issues!
  • Tristan2301Tristan2301 Member Posts: 57
    I know I'm not the only one having a very bad game crash guys comment agree if you also have this game crash issue! I have a screen shots to prove that it's real!
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