• CoC Brotherhood • AW Focused S1 T12 • Map 2 AQ Adv •

Looking for active and dependable members who are friendly and self motivated in terms of upgrading their game and champions, as well as joining and participating in AW & AQ.

We're focused on AW and we run 3 groups at all times. We finished the season safely in Silver 1 and we're going to focus on Gold next season. We're in T12 and always focused on progression. We run map 2 in the advanced bracket for AQ and will eventually step up to map 3 once we have a dependable team who remains active.

3.2 million rating. 1k war rating. Line is strongly encouraged for communication of bg assignments and lanes. You're welcome to mute the chat and turn the notifications off.

Filling 3-4 spots as soon as possible.
Contacts in-game: Caporius, SaturnV, Goot54, Skynightjourney


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