Former officer looking for map3 AQ, items use and completion events a must!!

quote="Mymazdaluvsme;d-60400"]Map 3 only plz. Looking to farm gold and cats for awhile to rank up champs. **MUST do items use, completion events!!** Weekly SA would be preferred. Plenty of map 4&5 experience, but not looking to donate right now. I can clear paths and drop bosses. Been playing since beta, still a very active daily player. You won't be disappointed. Line ID mymazdaluvsme2, Mcoc ID mymazdaluvsme
We are 15 strong, all 290k + and we are gonna do map 3 for now and occasionally a map 4 if ppl want it. I need to bring in some quality players that will help rebuild this team. If you have any interest msg me and we can hook up on LINE. If anyone else reading this has any interest pls feel free to msg me as well.