Sentinels on immunity path

I am among the many that think it’s completely shady and underhanded to make changes to AQ before the end of the season. Sentinels are a giant pain, but can be beaten relatively easily with the right champs. The ones on the immunity path in section 2 of map 5 however, are the ones that are causing me the most trouble. Does anyone have any suggestions of champs that they’ve used on debuff immune sentinels with success?
Why not? It's not a debuff. It's a buff for her, like her regen.
Tom is half right. X-23 would get cruelty buffs against Gwenpool on debuff immune node, because she is inherently not bleed immune, so X-23 will try to bleed her. However, X-23 will gain Cruelty buff against skill Sentinel on that path, because sentinel is already bleed immune.
As for the topic, i find hard hitters to be very useful. Hulk (even with class disadvantage), captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch work very nicely. And if you use Witch you get added bonus of healing that block damage occasionally.
Debuff lanes dont give cruelty buff. Cruelty buffs are triggered when x23 procs a bleed on a bleed immune champion. On debuff immune, x23 will never proc a bleed so she will never get a cruelty buff.
Not true. What matters isn't the presence of the "immunity" node. What matters is whether or not the enemy is naturally immune to bleed.
If the champion is immune to bleed, X-23 will have an x% chance to gain a cruelty buff on landing a critical hit no matter which nodes are active, including immunity.
If the champion can bleed, X-23 will have an x% chance to place a bleed on them when landing a critical hit. However, if the node doesn't allow for bleeds to be placed (like immunity, bleed immunity, etc.), then those bleed debuffs will fail. In this instance, X-23 is NOT going to stack cruelty buffs.
My first post on this topic was referring exclusively to the Sentinels on this path as noted in the thread title. @Rakot_UofC is correct.
You can try for yourself. I have never had cruelty trigger on debuff lane for me.
Edit... actually scratch that lol. I have never fought a bleed imm on immunity path so I may be wrong.