Been a great week!!!

Thanks for the advice Prof Hoff on saving for the featured 6* Proxima, but I'm good using my 6* shards on the basic and trying my luck at the Featured GMC, Now I've have
to send my luck to Rich the man and Analyzer, I got you guys, im sending my luck ASAP.

to send my luck to Rich the man and Analyzer, I got you guys, im sending my luck ASAP.
Threads like these are better than the constant nerf blade, rank down tickets, useless polls or is this champion really in the crystal based on the evidence of “I didn’t see them in the reel”.
You forgot the continued whinging of sentinels
Exactly -- it's a game. People are supposed to be happy playing it.
If it were up to me, every single person would have every character they want. Because nothing lasts forever. This game will end, at some point. Any day a person gets a character they feel good about is a good day
You also forgot "why was i bended"? and "Un bended my account plz"
Yes this why the MCOC sub reddit is virtually unusable. All crystal openings and brag posts. Very annoying.
Isn't it just memes there now?
4* colossus from ohc (phc,okay.If it was a 4* crystal,You wouldn't be seeing me here)
Mordo and Black Bolt from 4* crystals
A pure bread 100 pound Goat lol j/k