Looking for Alliance.. AQ Rank 800 -- 1000

Home needed after season break
Map 5x5 experienced
AW Tier(3-6) Gold 1 experienced
Prestige: 4720 now ---- 5280 by the start of season 2
AW clearing lanes easily
AQ clearing & some boss killing experience
AW defense not powerful but good for diversity
Searching for a new home with AQ Rank 800 -- 1000
Please don't contact if not in that AQ Range
Line ID: She3rawy
IGN: She3rawy
Map 5x5 experienced
AW Tier(3-6) Gold 1 experienced
Prestige: 4720 now ---- 5280 by the start of season 2
AW clearing lanes easily
AQ clearing & some boss killing experience
AW defense not powerful but good for diversity
Searching for a new home with AQ Rank 800 -- 1000
Please don't contact if not in that AQ Range
Line ID: She3rawy
IGN: She3rawy