Character improvement

Hey guys. I have a suggestion that i think i needs to be heard. I and buddies of mine feel that the champion electro doesn’t have the ability or potential that he can have in the game, so here is my suggestion. All of his special attacks should inflick a shock debuf cause he is electro and electricity is his thing. The damage of the debuf can be proportional to to his special, meaning that the sp1 inflicts the lowest damege per second and the sp3 the highest. In terms of his signiture ability, it may be good if you add something to benefit him is he gets a shock debuf like a little health regeneration or increased attack for the duration of the debuf. It’s not a huge improvement because not every champion can inflict shock but it may be nice for him to have it.

Also, in terms of his synergy with green goblin, i think that it needs to be change cause, like i said, ver little champions inflict a shock debuf. My suggestion is that the synergy can increase the damage of his shock debufs caused by his special. I hope you guys take this into consideration to help this champion be improved.
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