God tier Dilemma... What would u do?

Should i r3 my 5* gwenpool even though I have a max 4* gp awakened?
should I wait and hope to get blade? I have a 4* generic awakening gem as well. Considering using it on Magic or Archangel, both 4*. AA r4 and magic r5 but no sig stones 4 magic, flooding scarlet witch
should I wait and hope to get blade? I have a 4* generic awakening gem as well. Considering using it on Magic or Archangel, both 4*. AA r4 and magic r5 but no sig stones 4 magic, flooding scarlet witch
Why? The reason im questioning it is because im not sure what to do with both gp's. 1 is great 4 offense, but not the greatest on defense right? I dunno. It takes a while to get t4cc's and not sure I wanna double up on the same champ.
Fair enough. When does he enter?
I’d awaken AA Before her but not sure if I’d use a generic on either.
Edit. Just realized you said 4* genetic awakening. Yeah go for it. I’d go AA over magik though.
If they don’t change the champs again it should be mid of, next month.
It was originally 3rd of May
Nice, where did u get that chart?
Edit: don’t know what AQ you run or how far you are in the game but if you are running 5x5 it won’t take that long to acquire more T4cc. Ranking up the champs mentioned can help you get into a 5x5 ally if you aren’t in one already.
Thanks Jimmy, useful knowledge drop. Who are the ability reduction champs?
I know AA and BW have that, voodoo too I think and Blade, anyone else?
Site ->> http://www.marveltrucos.com/basics.php
Damn man, why didnt i think of that...duh right? No brainer lol