Disadvantaged Łegion, Platinum 3 Alliance, Looking for US and Euru/Asian Players

Alliance Tag: DH-DŁ
Season 1: Platinum 3, Rank 142
AQ Schedule: 5x5 and 56555 Every Other Week
Starting Prestige: 6150
Disadvantaged Łegion is looking for summoners for both its US based BGs and it’s international one.
Requirements: Able to run a lane in AW with little to no deaths.
Pluses: A decent defensive roster
Contact me in game or on Line if interested.
IGN: •Łegion
Line: Bubba6161
Season 1: Platinum 3, Rank 142
AQ Schedule: 5x5 and 56555 Every Other Week
Starting Prestige: 6150
Disadvantaged Łegion is looking for summoners for both its US based BGs and it’s international one.
Requirements: Able to run a lane in AW with little to no deaths.
Pluses: A decent defensive roster
Contact me in game or on Line if interested.
IGN: •Łegion
Line: Bubba6161