Morningstars passive bleed

From what I read about morningstars abilities, morningstars bleed is a passive damage over time effect, but when I used gladiator hulk to fight morningstar, morningstars bleed did not activate gladiator hulks face me ability. I wanna know if this is a bug or if morningstars bleed is not a passive damage over time effect...?
Passive damage = Magik Limbo, Mephisto incinerate, Dormammu Degen, starburst Degen. (This is practically it)
Non-passive damage = Bleeds, poisons, Coldsnap, shock, etc.
How it is placed on you does not matter, what matters is how the debuff looks, active debuffs have a white ring around the debuff for the timer, passive debuffs have the entire icon filled in and used as the timer.
Getting X amount of souls will unlock new abilities. This abilities don't necessarily need to be passive, so they can be buffs or debuffs
No since open wound is not a damage over time effect
Doubt it as there's not actual damage. A good example is something I discovered is Mordo's Soul Barb and the Dex buff activate Face me. Once the Dex buff isn't active (as Gulk doesn't have any other active buffs) then Soul Barb doesn't trigger Face me.
eh that's a shame. It is true that kabam is sort of unclear which debuffs are passive and which aren't. Of all the different degens (brute force, life transfer, bane, etc.) in game, only starburst is passive
I was really excited when I pulled Gulk as a 5* and now I have him as a 4/55. I jumped into all the degen possible to test. Was disappointing when I found only Starburst works which kinda makes no sense that it's the only one as they are all passive for the most part. They should have at least made him work vs Iceman at least to have more direct counters other than Meph and Sabertooth
That's because starburst is the only thing that is passive. The other are just icons, to let the player know that the champion is taking damage from somewhere.