Buff Wolverine

LrrrrLrrrr Member Posts: 234 ★★
Im not suggesting a huge buff, but since wolvy has effectively been neutered by the addition of the sentinels in Aq, can you add armor break to him for bleed immune champs? It makes sense, he has adomantium claws, they can cut through anything, incuding metal armor. Would be nice to see wolvy get some love.


  • Vossler77Vossler77 Member Posts: 683 ★★
    edited April 2018
    I agree with you but I doubt it will happen.
    Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    Lrrrr wrote: »
    DRTO wrote: »
    Nah, there's plenty of armor break champions around, wolvie is still good for other content, just adapt and move on.

    I don’t even use him, mine is still r3. The fact is, he is an antiquated champ that kabam seems to be trying to phase out or at least allow to fade away into irrelevance. I suggested this because wolvy is a cornerstone chatacter in the marvel universe that needs to be made relevant. I’d like to have some reason to use him, a simple buff would maka a huge difference.

    But he's still a good questing champ due to his constant regen and he's important for the mutant crit team which a lot of people use. You may not use him, but probably a lot of people still do.
  • LrrrrLrrrr Member Posts: 234 ★★
    @DRTO fair enough.
  • TonedefTonedef Member Posts: 137
    Mine’s nearly useless now so I think this armor break buff idea is awesome. For questing at higher levels he’s really not that good. One mistake and he’s gonna be seriously crippled or dead because of his low health pool. He wasn’t really a boss-killer in AQ before, but I did use him more than a few times to slice up Quake and Mordo. Now he stands no chance vs the AQ bosses. His utility is woeful, he counters no one, and is forever stuck as a 4* because as a 5 or 6* he would be nearly invincible, and invincible champs don’t use potions!
  • PrimeSaviour_27PrimeSaviour_27 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    edited April 2018
    Why do people think you can’t use him in AQ. It’s like everyone seems to think every node is bleed immune 😂

    You can bring 3 champs into AQ FYI. This is how I set my team up:-

    1 boss killer:- SL
    1 lane clearer:- X-23
    1 sentinel killer:- vision

    If your not a boss killer in your alliance then that’s a spare slot for bleed/poison immune champ.

    There are plenty of other champs who needs a buff, not the best regen champ in game!

    I agree he should be brought to the 5* crystals same as BW, witch, Thor ect ect but that’s about it.
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    Make him bleed, bleed immunes :joy:
  • TonedefTonedef Member Posts: 137
    Everyone’s got their opinions on whether he can/can’t or should/shouldn’t be used in AQ. I personally don’t see how a champion who performs poorly against half the enemies you face in AQ is a good option. Also, wolverine is not X23! They’re completely different champs.
  • PrimeSaviour_27PrimeSaviour_27 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    edited April 2018
    @Tonedef please direct me to where anyone said X-23 was wolvy?

    Half is definitely a exaggeration, he can’t be used against bosses which is 3 nodes and sentinels. However he’s perfect for clearing 60-70% of AQ. Which considering you can bring 3 champs he’s still a great option.

    You can still do a team of:-

    1:- bleed immune GR, vision, iceman
    2:- sentinels killer blade, Thor, any high damage.
    3:- lane clearer wolvy, x-23, rogue

    So even if it’s is only half like you said, if one of your 3 champs can clear half it’s still good.
  • PrimeSaviour_27PrimeSaviour_27 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    If he would get an ability against bleed immune his regen should be nerfed as much as X-23.

    As the difference between the both is:-
    X-23 damage
    Wolvy regen

    Giving him damage would make him way to op and would most likely effect any chance he has of becoming a 5*.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★
    @Tonedef please direct me to where anyone said X-23 was wolvy?

    Half is definitely a exaggeration, he can’t be used against bosses which is 3 nodes and sentinels. However he’s perfect for clearing 60-70% of AQ. Which considering you can bring 3 champs he’s still a great option.

    You can still do a team of:-

    1:- bleed immune GR, vision, iceman
    2:- sentinels killer blade, Thor, any high damage.
    3:- lane clearer wolvy, x-23, rogue

    So even if it’s is only half like you said, if one of your 3 champs can clear half it’s still good.

    Finally someone who gets it. Glad to see there are people out there that understand wolverine isnt used for 100% of AQ fights.
  • PrimeSaviour_27PrimeSaviour_27 Member Posts: 400 ★★★

    What I don’t get is he’s never been used for 100% of AQ. He’s never been a boss killer, he’s never gets used on the immune lane.

    Before sentinels no one complained he couldn’t take nodes/paths he’s a no go for. if they was on the immune path the person would either:-

    1:- Bring a champ to tackle it
    2:- Ask for a different route

    Only argument I can see with wolvy is why hasn’t he been added to the 5* crystal.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★

    What I don’t get is he’s never been used for 100% of AQ. He’s never been a boss killer, he’s never gets used on the immune lane.

    Before sentinels no one complained he couldn’t take nodes/paths he’s a no go for. if they was on the immune path the person would either:-

    1:- Bring a champ to tackle it
    2:- Ask for a different route

    Only argument I can see with wolvy is why hasn’t he been added to the 5* crystal.

    @PrimeSaviour_27 exactly what I have been saying the whole time. Still plenty of options for wolverine to fight in AQ. Plus hes still useful in Quests.
  • TonedefTonedef Member Posts: 137
    Let me be clear, idgaf that they made nearly half of the opponents in map 5 AQ bleed and poison immune. My roster is full of good 4*s that handle this change quite well. What I do care about is that a champion I dumped many sig stones and resources into became far less useful and effective for many fights.

    I did some addition, it paints a pretty bloodless picture!
    From start to Dormammu with MS miniboss:
    Path 5 has 11 bleed immune and 10 who bleed.
    Path 6 has 13 bleed immune and 7 who bleed.
    Path 7 has 17 and 8.
    Path 8 has 17 and 11.
    Path 1 has 18 and 11.
    Bleed immune champs are dominating AQ now, it’s a fact. That simple fact makes champs that have a high percentage of their damage come in the form of bleed ill-suited for AQ.
  • JiNTarkanJiNTarkan Member Posts: 22
    lol wolvie still have regen what about Archangel :P
    there are a lot of champs which we don't use in certain areas..its just a change ppl still finding it hard to digest
  • PrimeSaviour_27PrimeSaviour_27 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    @Tonedef you clearly do gaf lol

    What’s more worrying is that path 1 and 8 needs more than 24hrs to complete 😂😂

    Its nice to see numbers however as most the sentinels are on the shared paths section those figures aren’t showing a true reflection. Also I like how you included the bosses however he’s never been much of a boss killer lol

    I do have to admit though it is probably about 40%-45% sentinels in each section. Which I didn’t notice till I checked your numbers out.

    But once again, you bring 3 champs into AQ not just 1.

    So bring one strong champ to drop thoughs sentinels(will do half the heavy lifting).
    Wolvy to clear the rest and a boss killer.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »

    What I don’t get is he’s never been used for 100% of AQ. He’s never been a boss killer, he’s never gets used on the immune lane.

    Before sentinels no one complained he couldn’t take nodes/paths he’s a no go for. if they was on the immune path the person would either:-

    1:- Bring a champ to tackle it
    2:- Ask for a different route

    Only argument I can see with wolvy is why hasn’t he been added to the 5* crystal.

    @PrimeSaviour_27 exactly what I have been saying the whole time. Still plenty of options for wolverine to fight in AQ. Plus hes still useful in Quests.

    Totally. Hyperion is Debuff Immune in the EQ. I brought my Gwenpool. Buff her because she's essentially useless now. Lmao.
  • TonedefTonedef Member Posts: 137
    Well, I took my Wolverine to AQ! He’s gonna fight 45% of my battles, R4 Angela and R3 hulk will take the other 55% who can’t bleed 👌 Next week Luke will replace Wolvy on war days and the Holiest of Trinities will smash on off days.
  • SpiderCoolsSpiderCools Member Posts: 615 ★★★
    Lrrrr wrote: »
    Im not suggesting a huge buff, but since wolvy has effectively been neutered by the addition of the sentinels in Aq, can you add armor break to him for bleed immune champs? It makes sense, he has adomantium claws, they can cut through anything, incuding metal armor. Would be nice to see wolvy get some love.
    So you want him to be like elektra if I’m not mistaken
  • TonyStarkTonyStark Member Posts: 354
    No way. Wolverine is such a good champ. Why do you want to buff him? I get it, he's not much useful in the AQs, right? So what? He's still useful in many different areas of the game and still a demi-god tier.

    Asking to buff a champion is justified only when a champ is totally useless. Wolverine is clearly "Not Useless"

    Champs like IP, Iron Man, Ant Man etc needs to be buffed not Wolverine.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,198 ★★★★★
    Wolverine definitely doesn't need a buff. He's incredibly valuable for questing.

    If anyone were to be buffed in this way, Original Black Panther needs it a lot more. Why does one of the Illuminati in Vibranium armour not have a strategy against bleed immune characters?
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Newsflash: there is life outside AQ. Just pick a different champion in your team. There a dozens of champions who don't have a use in or out AQ. Let Kabam focus time and resources on them.
  • S0ULSLAYERS0ULSLAYER Member Posts: 23
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