Opinion poll: Have sentinals ruined your AQ experience?

AceDeMoNAceDeMoN Member Posts: 142

Opinion poll: Have sentinals ruined your AQ experience? 220 votes

NEORagamugginGunnerJOHNOSA1995Golden_GuardianBadroseThe_OneBendyL3pa_DWilljackson16ditCdaveKeonexTillerTheKillerGround_Round1mostlyharmlessnJRock808DukeVossler77Thestoryteller6TreoThatsausage 114 votes
DaMunkArcDeAngelusGroundedWisdomDL864ShrimkinsSnizzbarTitan_A97LeNoirFaineantDarkestDestroyerMr_PlatypusMegaSkater67stakRaganatorMarzGroovexNigbloodyCainSpity68mum_m2SmokinSurferSlig 88 votes
Still unsure
SomeoneElseDraenathadqqedfyvrRavenrob_33Mr_OtterBergy25Reg_MontanaThecrusher_9756Igor89KaanG95BahamutWulfgar79cx23433VaultMaddocMitchell35ABPradhanSwift169_TS89 18 votes


  • TonedefTonedef Member Posts: 137
    But my alliance is still feeling the effects of the change. We only completed 1 of 3 bgs in map 5 yesterday and today is looking baaaad. We lost 6 very decent players and are having issues replacing them with reliable, skilled individuals.
  • Gonzawesome80Gonzawesome80 Member Posts: 62
    Yes...my team feels under powered now, but I cannot get lucky enough to get good 5 stars to rank up and quest with, it’s a very frustrating feeling
  • AfridAfrid Member Posts: 529 ★★
    They are boring to fight
  • NeowantsyouNeowantsyou Member Posts: 198 ★★
    Bruh, I've seen way too many sentinel posts in the last two weeks. It's ridiculous.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    I wouldn’t say “ruined” but I’d say it definitely made it much more tedious and annoying to fight.
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    Still unsure
    AQ was always rather dull. The Sentinels are boring and repetitive, but so were the previous drones. What bother is more the thought process behind making a change like this. It is either an attempt at a money grab, or really poor design decisions. Neither options gives me a lot of confidence in the direction of this game.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Most of those walking away from map 5 were looking for an excuse to do so. Sentinels were the perfect one.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    Everyone who is answering no , just look at the amount of bugs that exist with Sentinels (only in AQ).

    Nebula doesn't work against them.
    Now, I see that Psylocke is also not gaining power. (When reducing sentinel power down a special bar threshold using her sp1)

    Not to mention that Medusa is also unable to counter them with shattered armor.

    It's not so much about fighting them, but about the several bugs that are in there, preventing ppl who are actually thinking of bringing new champs in the AQ fold. How do we actually know what's effective if things are broken?
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    Maybe..I was able to handle them okay after the first week but it caused lots of damage to the community unfortunately. It was an unnecessary increase in difficulty and it was the proverbial straw for a lot of people. The damage can't be undone either. What I don't understand is the symboids actually had more variety than the Sentinels. Nothing about this was very well thought out.
  • Ketchup1791Ketchup1791 Member Posts: 114
    I know I'm in the minority by saying this, but I find them easier than Symbioids. It might be because I'm using a 5/50 awakened Medusa. She shreds those poor guys haha. It's just made AQ easier for me in general. The rest of the alliance I was just in seemed to be have more trouble; though.. so eh.
  • Reaper213Reaper213 Member Posts: 167
    Sentinels are easy. The should not get nerfed. If you find these hard how are you going to play Act 6?
  • EvilRazorEvilRazor Member Posts: 143
    edited April 2018
    They are not so hard, but his animations are weird, sometimes you make a combo and block to try a parry, but they react in a different time, they get hit and counter instantly.
    They seem to dash but block instead, so you step back and when you see they intercept while you're dashing back.
    The thing is, I personally are spending more potions than usual. I used to spend from 0 to 2, now I'm spending from 2 to 5 in a single AQ.
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    They really are not that bad people just whine because they ain't got nothing better to do
  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    It was okay, they were longer fights but they didn't "ruin" AQ.
  • penvro56378penvro56378 Member Posts: 186
    They are easy to fight with yondu lol just something new which is good
  • Vossler77Vossler77 Member Posts: 683 ★★
    As of today I am no longer part of an alliance.
  • BizarreSoldierBizarreSoldier Member Posts: 17
    To be honest, no. Actually I like it because it gives a bit of challenge, but I think the real problem is that they came with new bosses, and that's not really ok. I understand why some people didn't like the change, but the Centinels alone aren't ruin my experience.
  • Mrbeast6000Mrbeast6000 Member Posts: 457
    At least u know every oids sp
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    edited April 2018
    Yes they ruined my AQ experience and my alliance. Our top member 650k + PI left to take a break mostly because of this and unresolved bugs. It’s like pulling teeth to get people to join as before they rushed the gates to get into a newly started AQ. Very disappointing to say the least...
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    Sentinels are a huge headache. But the miniboss changes are more bothersome.
  • RhinoBallsRhinoBalls Member Posts: 26
    It depends a lot on your lanes, don't forget... I really really enjoy fighting the mystic ones on heal/block, bleed in tier 2... esp followed by the tech one with heal block/power gain...
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    People have used items in AQ when they never did before but whatever. It's not like anyone is spending money to get through AQ. We are top 300 without map 6 so pretty high prestige fights. I'm OK with them but I don't think they accomplish the purpose of making AQ more interesting. What we need is a new AQ season with new maps. I do hope they will scrap the Sentinals in the new season. The same fight over and over with different class tags is going to get old if they are part of the next season.
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    I personally don't mind the extra challenge, as long as I got to choose to avoid the SKILL Sentinel path. However, this sudden introduction, without equivalent improvement in the reward, makes the AQ a nuisance and liability to many of the alliance members.

    What happened was, after a few days into the new AQ, more and more people stopped joining AQ. Previously we have all 30/30 fully active and have all 100% completions. Even after we drop down the map level, still, people felt the bad taste in their mouth, and those hanging on a thread, decided enough is enough, and they took the opportunity to retire. When 1 person started with this, more felt the similar emotional influence, and began to retire.

    However, there are still members who are very active and aggressive, now they feel impacted as well, and after a few days, they believe they need to move in order to avoid having their progression getting affected. So literally over a few days, a fully active alliance completing all 3 bgs in AQ, suddenly fell apart. This is not a new alliance put together for a few weeks. This is an alliance that have been together for many moons, if not year. This unnecessary trouble have made many of us exhausted, in finding another alliance for merges, negotiating the terms, moving people in, getting used to the new environment, resolving new issues, and etc. All these for what? For the good of the players? I didn't see any good any of us getting, except for endless trouble. All are good, until this change NOBODY is asking for!

    This is NOT ranting, this is purely sharing the facts I faced first hand. Honest and loyal players have NOTHING to gain, but EVERYTHING to loose. Sad ending. Even the new sentinel nerf will NOT fix the damage. Hey, DAMAGE HAS BEEN DONE. Try fixing a broken glass.
  • Ground_Round1Ground_Round1 Member Posts: 1,012
    I actually jumped out of a 5x5 alliance and joined a map 4-3-2 alliance to get away from it. It was taking too much stress and resources on day 4 and 5 to get clears. I probably reset my life/game balance a bit at the same time :)
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    Yes it's caused a lot of disruption in the alliance. Those that came to get a more casual playing experience after being in a higher alliance left because it just was too frustrating. It's getting old having to rebuild BG's every time Kabam makes a change that eats more players resources and time.
  • Galandriel79Galandriel79 Member Posts: 40
    Personally ruined my gaming experience. Yes I have been playing over 2 years and the introduction of them along with bugs makes me wanna quit. Mini boss that has a know bug?? yeah not a fan right now. Once again changed my review on the apple store back down to a one star
  • thanks4playingthanks4playing Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    People still don't get it. The problem with AQ is the outdated rewards.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Ruined my alliance
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