New arena structure

Hey Mike,
You and your team thought this new arena structure would be be the solution. Everyone agreed with except for the people who play arena day in and day out. Now that we have a new Hyperion record of 6.5mil what now.
AA and Iceman are going to be 7mil at least. This new arena structure did ABSOLUTEY nothing to help the non grinders.
FIGURE THIS OUT or the amount of people in line groups that are about to quit this game is appalling.
You and your team thought this new arena structure would be be the solution. Everyone agreed with except for the people who play arena day in and day out. Now that we have a new Hyperion record of 6.5mil what now.
AA and Iceman are going to be 7mil at least. This new arena structure did ABSOLUTEY nothing to help the non grinders.
FIGURE THIS OUT or the amount of people in line groups that are about to quit this game is appalling.
When a new champion had its own arena and then became basic it was paired with new champion....since the release of basic they switch the new champs to pair up with old arena champs and old champs with new arena....clearly they havent made enough money to continue to f us over
I feel sorry for those that put up over 6 mil and still missed out on the "basic" champ.
If anything, this is just becoming more and more discouraging to all the lower to middle level players.
I'm wondering if taking another look at the brackets system would be fruitful. Right now it's based on time played.
This makes no sense to me cuz everyone progresses at different rates.
Some of us are unable to get in "good" alliances to reap quicker rewards. Some are just plain unlucky.
Why not make different brackets for total hero rating? That way you're competing against people more on your own level.
I still enjoy the game and enjoy the very very rare "nice" crystal pull...but I definitely think the arena system could be adjusted to be at least a bit more forgiving especially with all the unresolved bugs we've been enduring.
You're does not make any sense. How are they supposed to adjust to "help the non girders"? You want them to just give you the champ for minimal effort? If you are not willing to grind then you aren't going to get the champs you want. Put in the time and you will get the champs you want. It's plain and simple. Numerous champs have gone for less than 3 million since the new arena system has been in place. OF COURSE highly sought after champs will go for more!
I myself always shoot for 1 million more than what I think the cutoff with be. Better to be safe than salty. There are much better reasons to quit this game lately than the arena structure. If anything, the arena structure is the last thing to worry about.
Yesterday I saw posts from my Alliance with streaks of 290+ for 7 million.
I had the same with 226, so a lot less grinding for me meaning more time for normal life.
Don't expect so much and you wont be disappointed, put the work in and rewards will come.
I started playing 2 years ago and have a 450K account with minimal spend. You have to decide whether its $ or time you want to invest.
I personally don't know what a good solution to the problem is; everyone should just be cognizant of the situation and be prepared to put in some serious time if they want these champions.
Sorry you missed OP, but this new arena system is a gift.
This has been suggested many a time before. This will just lead people to sell off their unwanted champs to keep their hero rating low and qualify for the lower tier brackets. Not a viable option.
If you think the only arena change was 5 to 10% you are sadly mistaken. The amount of 4* and 5* shards you can get from rank rewards are one of the best / consistent sources for shards. If 6-7M is too much for you to grind aim for 1.5-1.6m and finish in top 11-30% for basic and get 500 4* and 200 5* shards each cycle.
We've all seen many posts from many people saying how they even are not sleeping and grinding for 3 days straight to "try" to win some of these champs....and coming up short.
Can u honestly say they're not putting in the work and time?
The only ones that are fine with the current cutoffs are the ones with already stacked rosters. But I bet those same people were also frustrated with the amount of time and energy required to win a single champ back when they were a lower to mid level player.
Like I said before...I still enjoy certain aspects of the game, but there's gotta be a way to adjust arenas so that people can "put in the work" and win the champ while still being able to get some sleep at night and keep their sanity lol.
Pretty much.
I'm sorry, but if you're spending 36 hours going without sleep and still not getting to 7 mil, you don't belong in this arena. Focus instead on the "easier champ" arenas like Venom, etc where 2.5- 3 mil get you the champ.
How about 10m? That would require some grinding from them.
Oh wait.. there are those who could do 10m in 1.5 days.. that's not fair. I'd suggest the basic as a 15m milestone. That would be fair as everyone who wants the champ should grind a bit.
See the issue here? Some "grinding" to be taken is very subjective.
I also think this cut-off is good because I spent a lot of time grinding and for a Hero like him it was worth doing more than 6 millions to get!
So stop complaining and enjoy free 500 4* shards
I don't think the android comp had much to do with this so much as Punisher being the Featured Champ. The top 800 was at 6.8 mil for him, so more were grinding the Hyperion arena this weekend.
I awakened Hyperion this round, so I will just go for milestones this time and get in the pool for the grinders. I will try for Punisher though and put my efforts behind dupping him