97k player looking for alliance

I was recently in a gold 2 alliance, but it disbanded. Now I am looking for a new alliance. One that does SA weekly and gets 5* shards in war. I can play map 3 and 4... Playing map 5 would be too much for me, and I'll most likely just serve as an energy man most of the time lol


  • Kapsdan1Kapsdan1 Member Posts: 51
    What's your in game name, my ally could be ok for you
  • BlacksparkBlackspark Member Posts: 24
    Blackspark55 - ghost rider profile pic
  • VerguldVerguld Member Posts: 128
    We run map 3 when war is off and map 2 when war is up. We are in t12 aw and are getting 5* shards. We use groupme to communicate. Ign: HILFLOS or Maj Chaos
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