Looking for Alliance Merger Gold1, 5x5 AQ

I am a part of previously very competitive alliance (16.7mil rated) that just split, half went to pursue Platinum 2/3 and others stayed to do Gold 1.
We have about 10-15 members looking to merge with another alliance.
We can use our home alliance which is 2332 War Rated, or merge with another if it has better Treasury Stash/WR.
Our alliance tag is [W9]
Alliance name W9-Team
Please contact me:
IGN or Line: JeremyB13
We have about 10-15 members looking to merge with another alliance.
We can use our home alliance which is 2332 War Rated, or merge with another if it has better Treasury Stash/WR.
Our alliance tag is [W9]
Alliance name W9-Team
Please contact me:
IGN or Line: JeremyB13