AW Diversity and Attack Bonus, need feedback

RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
Folks, i was hoping to get some feedback on some AW strategy. I am in Gold 1, and our diversity hovers in the 130s. We have lost 5/10 wars and ever loss is due to attack bonus. I am trying to tell my guys that if we max diversity to 150, we can easily win 3-4 wars in a row on that alone. Then attack bonus will catch up with us.

How do you guys feel about this? I cant kick some of my day ones because of attack bonus, its not cool. What do i do? How are top tier alliances handling this balance?


  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    Attack bonus is the most important thing.

    Top tier are all boosting every fight. Most are triple boosting for paths., but at least some form of real boosting and not just a 10% useless thing. Triple greater boosting plus invincibility boosts, power start boosts, regen boosts, class power boosts, class special dmg boosts. It’s really boost wars tbh.

    If that doesn’t produce the desired result then they kick.

  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    I see, however i am not at the tier where we have to do all of that. I am around the 1900-2000 war rating. Not too much boosting, not too much piloting. So my real question is, should i focus on attack bonus and leave my diversity around 135? i would have to kick like 5 people @Rektor
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    @Rixob You're going about it the wrong way. Diversity and attack bonus have nothing to do with each other. They are just the two main ways to score points. They have no relationship with each other. There's no saying you have to stress one over the other.

    That being said, in higher tiers, the difference comes down to attack bonus, as they all have high diversity. You have to stress working on that. I have seen systems where you won't be kicked for dying, but you call out your deaths so that officers can find a better route for you. Some people also have a problem of not planning for minibosses. They don't bring any decent counters and end up dying 3 times on the mini.
  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    Hmmm interesting.. Problem is we have some scurbs man. We have day ones with 500-600k rating who cant even takeout a miniboss without dyinh 2-3 times..... If i were to maximize attack bonus i would have to kick ppl. Wouldn't have a choice.. I have already tweaked lane assignments to 100% clear every war, usually with 9 in 2/3 bgs.

    Soooo, maybe i should encourage our guys to plan accordingly to mini bosses, and to ask for permission before fighting minis. (obivously i would find a better way to word that to my guys)
  • MarriMarri Member Posts: 260 ★★
    edited April 2018
    If you are not with MMX/Core/ISO8 etc you can get banned for (admitting to) piloting, so be careful with what you say on the forums.

    TBH you have to spend to keep winning. No way around it. At a certain point your skill or champs simply won't cut it anymore, no matter how impressive your roster is. The point at which this occurs may be different for different players and alliances, but sooner or later everyone hits the paywall. The decision is then yours:

    A. Either accept that this is as far as you will get (accept the state of as many wins as losses)


    B. you start spending, cutthroat kicking those who don't perform well enough and pilot for everyone who is bad at the game but has awesome prestige and useful champs because they spend a lot.

    Good luck deciding.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    So theres 5 minis and 10 people. It should be done so that whoever goes first on a mini has the best chance to solo or do the most damage. After that, its the next most likely. I have taken one shot at a mini, then waited for someone else to take a shot, then I try again. A lot of it is communication and planning.

    Also, higher alliances boost for everything. Even lower alliances should boost. I'm not saying boost for every fight, but I use boosts for minis and I still have boosts expiring that I cant use in time
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    I can’t tell you if you should kick anyone but attack bonus gives significantly more points than diversity
  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    What is you guys war rating @Rektor @Primmer79
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Rixob wrote: »
    What is you guys war rating @Rektor @Primmer79

    My alliance has been bouncing around just under 2,000. Occasionally jump above 2k. We were top 200 of gold 1 for awhile with low diversity until we missed a war.
  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    Rixob wrote: »
    What is you guys war rating @Rektor @Primmer79

    My alliance has been bouncing around just under 2,000. Occasionally jump above 2k. We were top 200 of gold 1 for awhile with low diversity until we missed a war.

    Great so we are in the same tier. Whats you guys diversity running each war? What is your mini boss strategy.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Rixob wrote: »
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    Rixob wrote: »
    What is you guys war rating @Rektor @Primmer79

    My alliance has been bouncing around just under 2,000. Occasionally jump above 2k. We were top 200 of gold 1 for awhile with low diversity until we missed a war.

    Great so we are in the same tier. Whats you guys diversity running each war? What is your mini boss strategy.

    So I think I gave away enough so far in this thread. ;) if you want to talk more, I use Line. feel free to reach out.

    Line: Primmer79
    IGN: Primmer79
    I'm very creative with my names.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Max out your diversity, then focus on people clearing lanes. Ideally you want people clearing lanes (upto minibosses) with 1 death max. Put the scrubs on paths 1-3 as they’re easiest, hardest paths are probably 6 and 9.
  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    I think the problem is, we have guys who have just simply got to stop dying lol
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    @Rixob look at your kills. Stopping them from getting attack bonus is valuable so if non diverse champs are getting kills it's worth sacrificing the diversity. If they are not getting kills than you might as well get the extra diversity points.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Attack bonus is very important. You want to be organising so everyone can handle their path first time.

    You also want to try set up a solid defence to stop the other side taking champs down in 1 shot.

    With diversity and Blade that’s quite tricky though.
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    Defense: Full Diversity always.
    Offense: Get as much attack bonus as possible (keep your deaths as low as possible).

    (AW Rating 3040)
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Rixob wrote: »
    Hmmm interesting.. Problem is we have some scurbs man. We have day ones with 500-600k rating who cant even takeout a miniboss without dyinh 2-3 times..... If i were to maximize attack bonus i would have to kick ppl. Wouldn't have a choice.. I have already tweaked lane assignments to 100% clear every war, usually with 9 in 2/3 bgs.

    Soooo, maybe i should encourage our guys to plan accordingly to mini bosses, and to ask for permission before fighting minis. (obivously i would find a better way to word that to my guys)
    So kick the scrubs or you'll keep losing
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Somebody said above, but diversity and attack rating are two separate areas. 150 diversity gives you the best chance to win a war, there is no defensive roadblock at high levels of war. Go full diverse and then focus on increasing attack bonus.

    If at all possible, don’t stress out your whole ally. Players are dropping like flies lately.
  • MattyloMattylo Member Posts: 234
    Attack bonus is key, however youre in the tier that is going to do diversity.

    So if youre facing alliances doing around the same attack bonus but they are doing full diversity you will continue to lose.

    We had to adapt for this same reason.

    Also full diversity will assist you if you didnt do so well on attack bonus should the alliance youre facing not do diversity. So basically imo you need to focus on diveristy as well as attack bonus. That is literally how they built AW to be played.
  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    Somebody said above, but diversity and attack rating are two separate areas. 150 diversity gives you the best chance to win a war, there is no defensive roadblock at high levels of war. Go full diverse and then focus on increasing attack bonus.

    If at all possible, don’t stress out your whole ally. Players are dropping like flies lately.

    Thank you!!! That has been my point. I have been trying to tell my guys we have to focus on diversity FIRST, then focus on attack bonus, as it will eventually catch up with us. I looked at 5 of my last loses, every single one was within 10 attack bonus, and both alllies had less than 135 diversity. Point being, if my ally had maxed diversity, we would've won all those wars.
  • MRod77MRod77 Member Posts: 154
    At gold 1 level, unless you have the top defenders that will get a couple kills each war, you need to be max 150. with ratings not mattering and most defenders getting cleared at full attack bonus, might as well maximize those points.

    As far as attack rating that is just tough. if you have guys who struggle it is best to put them on either a backup roll so they have limited number of fights or on a path that you would typically send a few people already (such as paths 1,2 and 3) that way they can take path 2 and have a more skilled fighter take the majority of the fights. As far as mini's and boss you should always plan on who can one shot. it must be planned for minis and boss to bring the right champ to do so but that is the only way.

    We are also in gold 1, our rating is around 2200 so we teeter in between tier 3 and tier 4. This strategy has worked for us so far.
  • Hulk_77Hulk_77 Member Posts: 782 ★★★
    MRod77 wrote: »
    At gold 1 level, unless you have the top defenders that will get a couple kills each war, you need to be max 150. with ratings not mattering and most defenders getting cleared at full attack bonus, might as well maximize those points.

    As far as attack rating that is just tough. if you have guys who struggle it is best to put them on either a backup roll so they have limited number of fights or on a path that you would typically send a few people already (such as paths 1,2 and 3) that way they can take path 2 and have a more skilled fighter take the majority of the fights. As far as mini's and boss you should always plan on who can one shot. it must be planned for minis and boss to bring the right champ to do so but that is the only way.

    We are also in gold 1, our rating is around 2200 so we teeter in between tier 3 and tier 4. This strategy has worked for us so far.

    I beg to differ. If you have a non-diverse defender who gets 1 kill every other war, he's still scoring more points for you than a diverse defender who never gets any kills ever.
  • MRod77MRod77 Member Posts: 154
    Hulk_77 wrote: »
    MRod77 wrote: »
    At gold 1 level, unless you have the top defenders that will get a couple kills each war, you need to be max 150. with ratings not mattering and most defenders getting cleared at full attack bonus, might as well maximize those points.

    As far as attack rating that is just tough. if you have guys who struggle it is best to put them on either a backup roll so they have limited number of fights or on a path that you would typically send a few people already (such as paths 1,2 and 3) that way they can take path 2 and have a more skilled fighter take the majority of the fights. As far as mini's and boss you should always plan on who can one shot. it must be planned for minis and boss to bring the right champ to do so but that is the only way.

    We are also in gold 1, our rating is around 2200 so we teeter in between tier 3 and tier 4. This strategy has worked for us so far.

    I beg to differ. If you have a non-diverse defender who gets 1 kill every other war, he's still scoring more points for you than a diverse defender who never gets any kills ever.

    thats what i meant by top defender. those are the only ones that you can sacrifice diversity for. and even then its usually about node placement.
  • Outsider75Outsider75 Member Posts: 61
    Rixob wrote: »
    Folks, i was hoping to get some feedback on some AW strategy. I am in Gold 1, and our diversity hovers in the 130s. We have lost 5/10 wars and ever loss is due to attack bonus. I am trying to tell my guys that if we max diversity to 150, we can easily win 3-4 wars in a row on that alone. Then attack bonus will catch up with us.

    How do you guys feel about this? I cant kick some of my day ones because of attack bonus, its not cool. What do i do? How are top tier alliances handling this balance?

    Like someone smarter than me said. It is boost wars in the top tiers.
    But it should also be called "pot wars" across the board.

    NEVER go into a fight with less than 80% health. You need to encourage your guys to keep healing their champs up before every fight if they lose health on the previous fight.
    Buy one lvl 4, and one lvl 3 pot EVERY DAY from the glory store no matter what. People that don't heal and get killed = kick.
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Hulk_77 wrote: »
    MRod77 wrote: »
    At gold 1 level, unless you have the top defenders that will get a couple kills each war, you need to be max 150. with ratings not mattering and most defenders getting cleared at full attack bonus, might as well maximize those points.

    As far as attack rating that is just tough. if you have guys who struggle it is best to put them on either a backup roll so they have limited number of fights or on a path that you would typically send a few people already (such as paths 1,2 and 3) that way they can take path 2 and have a more skilled fighter take the majority of the fights. As far as mini's and boss you should always plan on who can one shot. it must be planned for minis and boss to bring the right champ to do so but that is the only way.

    We are also in gold 1, our rating is around 2200 so we teeter in between tier 3 and tier 4. This strategy has worked for us so far.

    I beg to differ. If you have a non-diverse defender who gets 1 kill every other war, he's still scoring more points for you than a diverse defender who never gets any kills ever.

    Correct if both copies of the duplicated champ collect at least one defensive kill each, otherwise diversity would still be optimal. Personally, I think developing a strategy counting on the other ally to fail (die on a repeat defender) is risky when so many wars are decided by a couple hundred points and attack teams are so strong.
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