Sabertooth weak regen

Whether the mechanics of the regen are working as designed or not, it’s a terrible design. The fury stacking (which I love except for it resetting) works directly against the regen in terms of gameplay. You build and build your fury stacks which essentially, makes each fight shorter and shorter yet, the regen stacks and stacks but do not any real benefit because the regen amount is spread over 25 seconds. However, even in a “long” fight you’re under pressure to either land a hit or be hit again because of this terrible 5 second handicap. I could see the 5 second handicap if the regen stacked, had an increased amount restored per hit, and not extended over 25 seconds. All of the regen mechanics work directly against the type or champ who gets stronger and stronger with each fight
this has to be addressed. The current design makes the regen totally useless.
this has to be addressed. The current design makes the regen totally useless.
Or X23, Rogue debatably, pretty sure Blade has it, King Groot if you REALLY love long fights, Magik if you know how to do it, Doc Oc technically has it… Guillotine is pretty good with it in short-medium fights, GR defiantly has it
sig 100+ Saber on Node 24 in expert tier AW ... the regen is NOT weak.
Nailed it, his sig ability needs to be high for his regeneration to be significant
-Kabam Otter 😂(JK)
[but that’s basically what the mods are allowed to say in this scenario]
Anyone debating this hasn't used him and must be thinking of the Sabertooth from last months event.
Read below if you want to know how it works before defending it:
A 5* r4 getting 25 tics of +9 is useless.
To get something around +100 a tic for 25 secs that means you lost 10K direct damage from 1 hit.
If you're still alive and took multiple hits to get some meaningful amount of a regen total you can lose it with no contact after 5 secs.
You get nothing back for damage over time, block damage, degen.
6* Adrenaline gives A LOT MORE health back and thats for every champ.
And don't tell me Node 24 for AW defense makes him great. Buffet is based in the champs inflated health, they don't need refen ability. Same for node 42.
Intentionally or not. The developer notes left out the details on his regen. The mods took weeks to address the questions asked. Sabertooth isnt close to the inflated boss from last months event or the original description made public.