This game is wearing people out

As I come into 2 years of playing this game I’m seeing it take its toll on people including myself. I’m currently not in an alliance because it has lost its fun factor for me. Why is that? I think it’s because of the enormous commitment it takes to play in a decent alliance. Want to take a weekend off from the game? Nope. Gotta do your part time job of AW/AQ first. I realize that it’s a challenge and maybe not for everyone but as time goes on I’m finding the grind is finally killing the player base.

I am finding, however, that it’s still enjoyable to play with no alliance at all. Even though I’m missing out on rewards I’m no longer sacrificing my life to a game schedule that can be way too much.


  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    There is some sort of disconnect with the game development community in general.

    Every game has to have some massive multiplayer server crashing element to it.

    MCOC is at its heart a fighting game, but they’ve manage to force multiple, multiplayer modes mixed with role playing elements added in.

    I loved X-men Children of the Atom from Capcom
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    I am actually out of an alliance now as my own choice for the first time. It feels like a chore logging in. It still feels kinda boring solo so I have not really been active as I used to be.

    If you feel the same way you might as well go solo as well it helps a lot, instead of my alliance members getting mad they understood because some of them are feeling as though it is draining the life outta them sometimes.
  • swatKatswatKat Member Posts: 3
    Wondering if there are enough of us here to form an alliance that is relaxed enough so we dont have to play when we dont want to... I'd gladly leave my current one to join such an alliance
  • AlCapone2727AlCapone2727 Member Posts: 428 ★★
    Why can't every alliance event be free?
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    There are lots of relaxed alliances. Some do two battlegroups so that people don't have to join every time. Lots of options if you want an alliance with good vets and no grind. @swatKat
  • swatKatswatKat Member Posts: 3
    Do you know of any that are looking for players? @LeNoirFaineant
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  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    @swatKat I have some friends in one. I'll check.
  • Christian899Christian899 Member Posts: 88
    Look for any retired or semi-retired alliance. Rather than playing solo, that type of thing may be just up your ally (No pun intended.)
  • MerovegianMerovegian Member Posts: 49
    There’s to much being added so quickly,untested, and delivered broken. It’s frustrating when you have broken mechanics, connection drops, constantly. Not only that, everything is a grind that really only moves you one step up. Then it’s a waiting game. So much in the game is outdated yet so much is being added outside of those aspects.

    Ex: Clearly gold is a issue: So since gold is a issue why is it that level up events are popping up like clockwork? That makes little to no sense. Why have a event that’s clearly not helping the players constantly in rotation? Again, another aspect of that is the outdated rewards. Why waste a resource they refuse to address on outdated rewards?
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