Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

idea for the next iteration of Contest of Champions (account migration)

Hello, so i was browsing Reddit and periodically i keep on seeing these "i'm quitting the game" or "why i quit the game" posts, and as a fellow game developer, i find this kinda worrisome, because of course as a creator i would like people to keep playing my game and these posts have the possibility to influence hundreds, if not thousands of people. But the particular post i read had a very valid point. He said that one day, "the Kabam servers will go down and we won't be able to see or play our account ever again, so it doesn't make sense to pour all this time and money into these virtual/digital entities" (not his exact words but basically this is what he meant).

So my idea is, once the new iteration of MCOC is released, please provide some sort of "continuance". What i mean by this is it would be awesome if you could allow a player's old account to somehow migrate to the new iteration of MCOC. Maybe he retains his exact same roster, amount of resources, etc. This will result in player confidence in the company and a re-assurance that their time and money will still be well-spent.


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    Maat1985Maat1985 Posts: 2,237 ★★★★
    I think you are missing the point
    The point is there would be no mcoc....
    done... finished... gone... finito... no more...

    This happens has happened to alot of games... servers shut down and then the games are gone...m
    Play a game to have fun in the moment....

    If the servers shut down in the future then you will need to find another game if you have not already by that point...
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