Active alliances who are struggling to recruit good quality

We have a strong core of good fighters in our alliance, however, there’s always a number of freeloaders (people who don’t contribute to events/wars or donate to treasury, then complain they aren’t getting enough rewards!)
We’ve always tried to educate that if everyone pulls together then everyone benefits. When that message fails, the boot comes out and so the cycle starts again...
So to the situation we now find ourselves in.
Since the start of war seasons we’ve noticed a big difference in the difficulty of recruiting, especially anyone with reasonable ratings and combined with so a few good people leaving and kicking those who can’t cut it we’re low on numbers of quality.
We are looking for alliances in similar position for a potential merger. Average rating of members need to be 250k+ and looking to do at least 3x map 5 AQ runs and 3x3 war groups each week.
We’re in Silver for seasons but expect to be gold. Just slipped out in final few hours.
Message me on line app or ingame if you have a proposal, my id is ThePunchbag.
We’ve always tried to educate that if everyone pulls together then everyone benefits. When that message fails, the boot comes out and so the cycle starts again...
So to the situation we now find ourselves in.
Since the start of war seasons we’ve noticed a big difference in the difficulty of recruiting, especially anyone with reasonable ratings and combined with so a few good people leaving and kicking those who can’t cut it we’re low on numbers of quality.
We are looking for alliances in similar position for a potential merger. Average rating of members need to be 250k+ and looking to do at least 3x map 5 AQ runs and 3x3 war groups each week.
We’re in Silver for seasons but expect to be gold. Just slipped out in final few hours.
Message me on line app or ingame if you have a proposal, my id is ThePunchbag.
Same position as you.
Game ID is Carl Danvers. Line ID is carldanvers
Hit me up.
but we use Discord, if you are interested:
Negritis both ign and discord