10 million ally, Map 5 AQ, Gold 2 season rewards, TIer 5-6 in war. Needs 3-4 strong fighters 4300P

AOC HEROES (Reapn) We are super organized in war and beat higher rated allies because we fight well. This season we are in gold tier 2 and plan to be in higher tier for next season, gold 1 or platinum. We put priority on high activity players. Consistent low aq scores will get booted.
Who you are: -Active in AQ and WAR, meaning you don't disappear for 5 hours if you’re not sleeping. -Able to afford donations -Able to communicate well. -Want to grow your hero stock and rank them up -U.S. based time zone -Uncollected finished -Finish your path in war, solo
Who we are: -Adult mature ally who doesn't take in drama -Active in ally quests to get alphas, which are sorely needed to rank 5s. -We use Line app and attempting to switch to Clan HQ, but in testing phase.
Line ID: jphoc
Who you are: -Active in AQ and WAR, meaning you don't disappear for 5 hours if you’re not sleeping. -Able to afford donations -Able to communicate well. -Want to grow your hero stock and rank them up -U.S. based time zone -Uncollected finished -Finish your path in war, solo
Who we are: -Adult mature ally who doesn't take in drama -Active in ally quests to get alphas, which are sorely needed to rank 5s. -We use Line app and attempting to switch to Clan HQ, but in testing phase.
Line ID: jphoc