You can't be serious?

GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
I get what the game is, first and formost and I enjoy and love it. With that said, you HAVE to tone down unavoidable damage in a game that you charge money for resources. You can scale the challenge, work tricky nodes but straight up unavoidable damage in a game where you charge real money for resources is unacceptable.

I for one have spent more money on this game than 10 AAA games, probably somewhere close to a thousand dollars. Stupid? Yeah, probably but I did it because I like the game but enough is enough with the cash grab. Stop screwing over your player base with BS encounters and mechanics. I'm sick of skill being second to units. I have been playing perfectly trying to finish the final parts of act 4 and I still have to spend units because skill doesn't matter and that's broken as ****.

I'll spare you the rant about Mordo, Nightcrawler and Magik and that cash grab and the argument that evade champs are broken in general not to mention champs that do damage that is unavoidable despite your class your skills and just stick to progression. Things like Starburst this nonsense in Act 4 where any special stuns ad kills me if I evade or block it is pure nonsense. Why should I have to pay for this?

I have supported this game with hundreds and even thousands of dollars of my money, why is my reward a big F you in act 4 telling me everything I learned and the skill I progressed worthless because act 4 is all about units? It's **** Kabam. Stop the unavoidable damage, remove it from the game and trust me, I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Whats the point of becoming more powerful if when you get there the game cheats and you hit a pay wall that ignores your skill level? Whats the point of continuing?

Get your heads out of your ass and fix the game. It's not ok the way it is, I'm sorry.


  • GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
    There is a reason they put in the random "evade" in act 4 and beyond. I'll give you a hint, it's a BS mechanic that has no place in a skill based game that charges real money for resources. It's a disgusting cash grab and now that I have gotten to this level and seen the greed, it's revolting.
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  • GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
    I'm playing an 11k Elektra that regardless or your skill or play evades and stuns you at will every 7 seconds. No way to avoid or evade it. Progress is not about your playing skill, it's about how many units you can sink into it to overcome the ****. Thats not a game.
  • GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
    The paths alone in Act 4 require hundreds of dollars in energy if you want to complete them, the utter greed of the BS mechanics I have seen makes me sick to my stomach.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited June 2017
    Why not use a stun-resistant champ like Mordo or Groot?

    If you have the skill you say you have, running a maxed 3* version shouldn't be a problem...

    Why not max your Limber mastery while you're at it?
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    I do agree that all damage should have a logical counter.

    One I'd like to see would be "ground" attacks against Electro to avoid his electric thorns...
  • GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
    Dex, are you serious? I should run a Mordo or Groot in that chapter in act 4? That's your advice?

    Maybe Mordo I guess, I didn't think about that but Groot would get pummeled either way. I'll try it. I honestly don't think it will work, how did you tackle it without a **** ton of units?
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★
    Ghriffin wrote: »
    Dex, are you serious? I should run a Mordo or Groot in that chapter in act 4? That's your advice?

    Maybe Mordo I guess, I didn't think about that but Groot would get pummeled either way. I'll try it. I honestly don't think it will work, how did you tackle it without a **** ton of units?

    Who do you use that you have trouble with act 4?
  • GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
    I run all 4/40s - Scarlet Witch / Ultron / Elektra / Wolverine / Vision - all duped.
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★
    Ghriffin wrote: »
    I run all 4/40s - Scarlet Witch / Ultron / Elektra / Wolverine / Vision - all duped.

    Ya not sure why you're having trouble then, i finished act 4 long ago to get the tier 4 class cats because i didn't have any 5/50s. Maybe wait till you get a 5/50 if you can't do it with 4/40s?
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    I only run 2-3 champs that are even rank 4 and haven't spent a single unit on revives...

    Duped 4/40 Magik, Duped 4/40 Thor, un-duped 4/40 Ultron, un-duped 3/30 Gwenpool, and unduped 3/30 WW2.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Dexman1349 wrote: »
    I do agree that all damage should have a logical counter.

    One I'd like to see would be "ground" attacks against Electro to avoid his electric thorns...

    Every damage mechanic in the game has some counter or strategy to play against it effectively (other than throwing money at it).

    Evade - ability accuracy reduction, iceman
    Electro - ability accuracy reduction
    Magik - ability accuracy reduction, powerlock
    Iceman- voodoo, regen champ
    Degen nodes - regen

    Every mechanic except dormammu's sig ability and that's why he is so OP in war.
  • GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
    What about Iceman Hulk?
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    Ghriffin wrote: »

    I have supported this game with hundreds and even thousands of dollars of my money, why is my reward a big F you in act 4 telling me everything I learned and the skill I progressed worthless because act 4 is all about units?

    Whats the point of becoming more powerful if when you get there the game cheats and you hit a pay wall that ignores your skill level?

    Hmmm.. If Act 4 is all about units, you wouldn't want to know about Act 5 then.

    Anyway, it isn't a paywall. If you save up revive potions and healing potions (revives can be gotten from solo events, healing potions can be gotten by finding them in quests or RoL, and both can be found in free crystals), you can do the entire Act 4 for FREE. Believe me, the only reason it would cost you units or money is if you don't play well or you are impatient.

    Unfortunately, not all content can be done without using potions. You can however, minimalise your unit/money loss by saving and grinding potions, or even grinding in the arena to get units to spend on potions. I know Act 4 can be done without throwing all your money at it, because I, like many others, have already went through it and explore the entire thing without spending too much units or money.

    So yea, I wish you all the best, maybe try being a bit more patient since these Acts are a permanent addition to the game, and focus on farming potions and units.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    ^^^ Agreed. Tackle a quest when you're ready for it, not when you want to do it. I'd love to rattle through Act 5, but I'll keep grinding my other daily quests to rack up potions/revives/energy while I continue to rank up my attack fleet. My best 5 champs are not always the best 5 for quests. I used to burn a ton of potions until I learned that lesson.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    You must need more skill. No units should be used on any path in act 4 especially since they made it easier. You need more skill. I did act 4 a long time ago either mostly 3* champs
  • WafflesalldayWafflesallday Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2017
    Sorry man, it sucks you're having a hard time but it really shouldn't be that hard

    I beat Act 4 a while back and only units I used were on a few energy refills and 4.3 Juggernaut

    That Elektra can be a handful though lol. Wonder if she still has that bug where she can evade and stun you while she's stunned?
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,846 ★★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    You must need more skill. No units should be used on any path in act 4 especially since they made it easier. You need more skill. I did act 4 a long time ago either mostly 3* champs

    You probably did it when 0 block damage was a thing with synergies and 3* witch could run through anything.

    It's not easier at all. Ease up and try to be helpful. It's not the same game as it was.

    Where you stuck?
  • GhriffinGhriffin Member Posts: 45
    So, here is what I'm saying exactly. I just fought a lane with Magneto with Thorns that deals 15% attack damage every time you hit him. Why? In a fighting game, you should never be punished for hitting your opponent. The same lane, I face an 11k Elektra with a 7% chance to evade and stun, and of course when then happens she attacks into immediately killing you from 3/4 health. Thats NOT skill based, it's a slot machine. Twice in a row she evaded and killed my champ in the first round of combos I "landed". How is that ok?
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,846 ★★★★
    I did 5.1 today with iceman on brute force and kinetic reactor.
    It sucked with no 5* champs. Saved items were used.

    I've got Nightcrawler next run. I'll probably save more stuff before running it because he wrecks me good in war.

    You can get free items for these runs. It's end game stuff so should be expected.
  • RealPastorRealPastor Member Posts: 82
    I did act 4 with no 4/40 or even 3/30 dupped. Only 3/30 undupped and 1 5* rank 2 rhino. I finished it in may. It cost me nothing. And I finished 5.1 two weeks ago with 5* rhino rank 2, 4/40 magik dupped, 4/40 SL dupped, 4/40 x-23 undupped and 3/30 ultron undupped. Only some revives in 5.1.6 from free crystals. I'm not a great player, but I could do it, so you can do it too.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,846 ★★★★
    Damn dude. That's pretty impressive. You will kill with a better team. Watch your inbox fill up with alliance invites.
  • RealPastorRealPastor Member Posts: 82
    Thanks:) But I like my alliance, and I'm from Russia, so we have different time zone:) But I can say, that I'm really not so good. Even never finished ROL.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,846 ★★★★
    You will. Act 4 is harder. Just need right champs. You'll get em.
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Ghriffin wrote: »
    So, here is what I'm saying exactly. I just fought a lane with Magneto with Thorns that deals 15% attack damage every time you hit him. Why? In a fighting game, you should never be punished for hitting your opponent. The same lane, I face an 11k Elektra with a 7% chance to evade and stun, and of course when then happens she attacks into immediately killing you from 3/4 health. Thats NOT skill based, it's a slot machine. Twice in a row she evaded and killed my champ in the first round of combos I "landed". How is that ok?

    Mags is easy if you have Wolverine/X23/any ability accuracy reducer/any heavy bleed champ. Wait till you fight that inevitability Ronan. Unless you can finish that fight really quick, you will get KO'd

    Edit: DON'T button mash against Elektra. Only do MM combos and you'll rarely get stunned (also, maxing limber won't help since Elektra moves too fast. She'll hit you before you can recover from the stun)
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,846 ★★★★
    That magneto is tough. Haven't fought him in a long time and neither has any one else answering you. I'll try him and see about good ways to beat him.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,846 ★★★★
    Which part of act 4 is that?
  • ADDZZADDZZ Member Posts: 71
    Loooool oh man wait until you reach act 5 and tango with our mate "The Collector". You don't know what unavoidable damage is yet my brother.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,846 ★★★★
    I'm not doing 5.2.
    Watched videos on it. Rewards not worth it and collector is only second boss.
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