relaxed gold 2 AW/5x5 AQ alliance rebuilding

We had some players retire after AW season 1 & haven't had much luck replacing them one at a time. Since season 2 is coming up we are looking to get back to our old winning ways. We were an 11 mil ally before we had to replace some & kick others.
No minimum in arena events, we don't care what your prestige is as long as you clear your paths in AQ & AW & have a decent AW defense.
Donation minimum of 135k gold, 30k battle chips, 13k loyalty.
Line is used & is a requirement, as is participation.
Minimum 15k in 3 day completion, hoard those 3 star arena boosts for item use & 650 in duels are our event requirements.
We would love to be back above 100 mil in AQ points & staying on expert tier, maybe even get to gold 1 in AW season 2. Hit me up on LINE as "piscinedumort" or in game as Piscine Du Mort.
We are looking for 10 or more active, relaxed players & merge discussions are welcome.
No minimum in arena events, we don't care what your prestige is as long as you clear your paths in AQ & AW & have a decent AW defense.
Donation minimum of 135k gold, 30k battle chips, 13k loyalty.
Line is used & is a requirement, as is participation.
Minimum 15k in 3 day completion, hoard those 3 star arena boosts for item use & 650 in duels are our event requirements.
We would love to be back above 100 mil in AQ points & staying on expert tier, maybe even get to gold 1 in AW season 2. Hit me up on LINE as "piscinedumort" or in game as Piscine Du Mort.
We are looking for 10 or more active, relaxed players & merge discussions are welcome.