An easy carnage improvement...

bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
So carnage is a champion that a lot of people thinks sucksand he does suck. Lol. However if kabam took the limit of 5 (6 with venom synergy) of carnage’s passive buffs off he’d be very viable champion. If you could keep spamming carnage’s L1 to get an unlimited amount of buffs depending on the fight would depend on which passages you tired to get obviously. Imo carnage is a very fluid extremely well designed graphically and animationally. What holds him back from being at least a decent champion is 2 things 1) the long ramp up to get decent damage. The amount of time it takes to ramp carnage up alone is too much. 2) in comparison to the time it takes to ramp him up the reward (amount of damage he does once ramped up) isn’t there. Yes he’s slightly above average damage once you ramp him up, but by comparison starlord is doing triple the damage carnage is in the same amount of hits to takes carnage to fully ramp up. LET ME KNOW WHO AGREES AND IF YOU DINT AGREE SAY SO AND ADD WHY!!!!! Thanks may thanos be with you...
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