Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

This new event quest!

What is the deal with you developers!? Every event quest special you come up with is completely geared to be impossible to beat. Case in point the final chapter of this latest event. You make the defenders 10k PL to be challenging , cool. Then give them an awesome buff make them invincible until you get a 15 combo, also cool and challenging! Then you make the first champion one who randomly evades and gain power on a normal rate. So after fighting thru his evade to start hitting him.. BAM! Special three is Ready. I mean what the actual ****. So then you waste a champ or two on him. And get directly to a guy with non stop arc overloads.. This is all the special events lately! It's really getting old.. I spend a lot of time and money on this game two things I hold very dear, and you truly are making me consider deleting it for good.


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    Primmer79Primmer79 Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    its easy.
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    SolswerdSolswerd Posts: 1,863 ★★★★
    C'mon.....you're "bigking33"...nothing can stop you!
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    DagonsoulDagonsoul Posts: 19
    bigking33 wrote: »
    What is the deal with you developers!? Every event quest special you come up with is completely geared to be impossible to beat. Case in point the final chapter of this latest event. You make the defenders 10k PL to be challenging , cool. Then give them an awesome buff make them invincible until you get a 15 combo, also cool and challenging! Then you make the first champion one who randomly evades and gain power on a normal rate. So after fighting thru his evade to start hitting him.. BAM! Special three is Ready. I mean what the actual ****. So then you waste a champ or two on him. And get directly to a guy with non stop arc overloads.. This is all the special events lately! It's really getting old.. I spend a lot of time and money on this game two things I hold very dear, and you truly are making me consider deleting it for good.

    Do not spend money on games like these... If we all stop putting money into this type of greed they will have to listen to the gamers. At the moment it is done just to make money. And when have you seen an Android game worth £99!
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    bigking33bigking33 Posts: 26
    Do not spend money on games like these... If we all stop putting money into this type of greed they will have to listen to the gamers. At the moment it is done just to make money. And when have you seen an Android game worth £99

    When that game is associated with marvel! Duh. We comic book loving arcade game playing fools now own the market! But these guys blatantly exploiting us for money is ignorant! The reward system in game is so ascue as is.. Why would I expect any less... They are the same pirates as the highway patrol..
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