MODOK needs complete rework

As the title says. I know that not everyone is going to agree with me. In fact, I'll probably get flamed heavily for what I am about to say, but it needs to be said.
MODOK either needs to be removed from the game or he needs to be completely reworked from the ground up.
MODOK is completely OP. Every fight my Alliance has come up against in AW, there has been at least one or two of them in them. And, as more and more people get him, there will be more and more Alliances who will not care about team diversity (a stupid idea in and of itself) just so they can have an entire team of them to stymie teams.
Let me give you a typical MODOK fight with his current AI and the way he is built now: Constantly stay in block, spam heavies, hope to get 3rd or spam 1st and 2nds if on Unblockable nodes.
If, on the off chance that you are able to get his shield down, his AI will stay in block until it returns. This just drags a fight on and on of trying to constantly trying to keep his shield down in order to have the slim chance that you can kill him or being completely frustrated of hitting him once, watching him block until he gets it back, rinse and repeat until the timer runs out.
My personal opinion is that he needs removed from the Contest, but I would prefer a complete rework. Quite simply, the best thing you can do is remove his shield ability and give him something different to replace it. Either that or increase the timer so that it is a longer time before it can return.
His AI also needs changing. The constant heavy spam and blocking is a pain in the ass and drags a fight out longer than it honestly needs to be.
Something needs to be done, KABAM. MODOK is just a God tier character and if the trend continues, if you bring him into the 6* roster or even into the 7*s (if you make those years down the road), then this game will be completely unplayable.
MODOK either needs to be removed from the game or he needs to be completely reworked from the ground up.
MODOK is completely OP. Every fight my Alliance has come up against in AW, there has been at least one or two of them in them. And, as more and more people get him, there will be more and more Alliances who will not care about team diversity (a stupid idea in and of itself) just so they can have an entire team of them to stymie teams.
Let me give you a typical MODOK fight with his current AI and the way he is built now: Constantly stay in block, spam heavies, hope to get 3rd or spam 1st and 2nds if on Unblockable nodes.
If, on the off chance that you are able to get his shield down, his AI will stay in block until it returns. This just drags a fight on and on of trying to constantly trying to keep his shield down in order to have the slim chance that you can kill him or being completely frustrated of hitting him once, watching him block until he gets it back, rinse and repeat until the timer runs out.
My personal opinion is that he needs removed from the Contest, but I would prefer a complete rework. Quite simply, the best thing you can do is remove his shield ability and give him something different to replace it. Either that or increase the timer so that it is a longer time before it can return.
His AI also needs changing. The constant heavy spam and blocking is a pain in the ass and drags a fight out longer than it honestly needs to be.
Something needs to be done, KABAM. MODOK is just a God tier character and if the trend continues, if you bring him into the 6* roster or even into the 7*s (if you make those years down the road), then this game will be completely unplayable.
He's not that hard
Learn to fight him
Git Gud.
Blade, bruh
Shut up
They already fixed him
Did I miss anything?
You know that not alot of people have Blade. Especially if we're talking about the 4 & 5-Star versions(which, really, only people that are REALLY lucky, have. Because even spending money isn't enough). And if Blade really is the one that get past MODOK's broken auto-block, he's the ONLY one that can do it. While the rest of the roster can't. How is MODOK NOT overpowered, when only one character can take him on?
...and Gwenpool. And AV (not quite as effective, but still better than nothing). Haven’t tried Yondu against him. But there’s so many options, really.
His shield might have come up while you were mid punch and you knocked it back off without seeing it, but it still gave him time to do the rest. I've had the same thing happen, save it was a second that decimated my guy during a Master quest.
The only character that I effectively know who can really take him on as he is now is Karnak. His True Strike 1st ignores his shield and keeps it from popping back up. However, he's about the only effective character and even he has a slim chance against him and his constant blocking.
Seeing as I don't have a 5* Karnak and I don't feel like ranking up my 4* version just to deal with one seriously overpowered character (seeing as 5*s are the new 4*s), I feel like something needs to be tweaked with him.
As for Blade, I pretty much agree. You have to have been damn lucky or spent stupid amounts of money to try and get him. Considering I'm not a moron who is constantly going to blow my money on Odin chests in order to kiss Kabam's butt and be treated like a preferential player, I have to pray I get lucky and get him from 5* Crystals and even then, it might be years before I get him.
@Primmer79 you missed "spidermans sister"
@DOA40 Duels are your friend, when you fight MODOK keep an eye on his blue forcefield buff. MODOK's forcefield ability auto-blocks one hit and then recharges in 7 seconds. The trick is once you land a hit and use up MODOK's forcefield buff, stop and back up before continuing to attack, otherwise you'll get hit. I'm not sure about your in-game progression, but MODOK's forcefield buff work's exactly the same as Ultron OG's (Act 5 final boss) evade ability, unless it is countered by an attacker's ability reduction ability it will store a use every 7 seconds.
The right attacker makes a difference as well. I take path 9 in AW, and I get excited each time I see MODOK on node 55 (debuff immune miniboss). I have 5* Crossbones at rank 4 and I have not given up a KO to a 5* rank 4 MODOK on node 55 in a long time because his style is predictable and Crossbones reduces his forcefield accuracy.
Practice makes perfect, learning how to fight against different champions pays off in the long-run.