5* question: Awaken or hold out?

So I recently got a 5* cosmic gem from the master rift (I know, that’s the luckiest thing ever) and I was wondering what to do with it. My only 5* cosmic is Ronan and I have the t4cc to 550/345 one cosmic.
Do I: wait for a god tier cosmic like hypes from next months 10% drop rate crystals and awaken/take up them, or awaken/take up Ronan right now?
Do I: wait for a god tier cosmic like hypes from next months 10% drop rate crystals and awaken/take up them, or awaken/take up Ronan right now?
5* question: Awaken or hold out? 95 votes
Hyperion REALLY doesn’t “need” a gem and Medusa kinda only has bleeds and anti-sentinel for her outside defense as Hela/Angela are in theory roughly as strong as her both without dupes and Angela especially is already anti-Sentinel…
Ronan however is mostly unique in his niche as arguably the best chain stunner even above Hulk and not just another heavy hitter and popular defender that ultimately just hurts diversity when overused. Plus I believe he makes that last Ultron fight pretty easy.
Kinda on the fence but dupe him or Medusa… definitely not Hyperion though cause other cosmic champs can use it better
I think the OP is referring to the Infinity Dungeon crystals
Um… not quite
Just because he’s not too tier doesn’t mean he’s trash. Ronan is a niche pick. As in he’s not another heavy hitter but he has unique utility.
For example: Classic DD is objectively a TERRIBLE champion. Small damage even when critting it using specials, no control, no regen, and a VERY situational ability. But when fighting Collector most people who have him, have him ranked and duped specifically for that fight.
Similar to Ronan: easily abuses the buffs from challenge nodes, destroys champions that always have buffs (Vulture, Sabertooth, Phoenix, and both the new black order champs with their accuracy), and fully ranked can punish 5.4 Ultron and easily cruise through Explosive Personality lanes in 5.4 which are just awful! Not to mention breakthrough paths he just carves through…
4/40 Ronan decimated Gamora and Groot in the challenge the former being able to chip down my voodoo (5/50) almost all the way with a few early blocks
Advocating his usefulness is fine but he’s not worth a gem and with what champs are available in the basic 5* crystal for cosmics there are way better options to hold out for.
I’m sorry is there anyone besides damage dealers you wanna spout off?
Hulk, Rulk and Gulk are varying degrees of boss killers, LC is just a killer, and let’s not forget void
Hyperion is basically gold standard for heavy hitter without a gem, and Medusa only has bursts she’s really hard hitting and some of that is Bleed
Angela and Hela are both insanely hard hitting unduped cosmics
AA, Storm, X23, NC, and Sabertooth are savages in mutant
Skill has Blade a champion that thrives off his niches not to mention GP and Elektra
Tech has Starlord and Sparky… I could stop there but Yondu and Green Goblin exist too
Mystic… well let’s face it they made Blade for a reason and gave concussion a boost for a reason!
Most of these guys can easily compare at LEAST to Duped Medusa just by consistency with a slight of utility even when unduped and Duped a lot could arguably compare to Hype (even some unduped can kinda argue that).
What do those 3 specifically have (aside proxima cause I’ll agree she’s nuts) besides damage that separates them from the leagues of other heavy hitters mostly on par with them but also generally more consistent or having much more utility?
Ronan literally walks through bosses and parts of challenges with no effort required. Even RAGE paths 5.4, yanno… where heavy hitters are basically dead weight?
Hyperion? NO
Medusa? Robots?
Proxima? I might give her the pass
They’re just heavy hitters which most people uncollected already have 5 of not counting DoT champs like GP, AA, and Voodoo… but a champion that can literally turn “hard content” against itself? Any buff not passive instantly a death sentence? I could probably do a full 1/5 to 1/4 of the paths in Act5 ENTIRELY with just Ronan for the most part without paying attention…
Proxima maybe worth it but Medusa is meh compared to Hype and giving Hype a little more damage “potential” when so many other heavy hitters can compare thanks to damage and utility Ronan is more worthy of a gem thanks to his utility compared to all but pricing jsut being “another heavy hitter without wide spread utility”
Oh you’re that kind of player. Prestige LOL! Hawkeye was my go to for almsot a year and first 5/50. Got the job done and looked good doing it when no one else could.
Mordo is niche
Blade is nice
Guillotine is niche
Dormammu is a HUGE niche
Every champ to an extent is NICHE!
Pack Resonate and suddenly a 5/50/99 BW is niche compared to Elektra
But 100% and long enough Sp1 is still unique to Ronan and I’d rather take a guarenteed easy path over shorter easy to slip up if Kabam decides to be Kabam
Lol talking about a cosmic ag not any other class or generics. So I deleted all the pointless parts of the other classes.
Have you used a Hyperion without his signature ability? It’s annoying. Short power gain, short fury stacks. Barely get anything off before you have to throw a heavy again. Also a 5* Hyperion signature ability scales way higher then a 4* making it pretty useful.
Am I only going to talk about damage dealers? I’m sorry I think you’re playing the wrong game. It’s all about damage dealing. The more damage you deal the faster the fight the less mistakes you’ll make. Yes use a gem on Hyperion.
Medusa also needs the gem. Why? Because then she can end fights faster. That’s the point of the game! She has more overall uses then a duped Ronan.
So yes save it.
Don’t use it on Ronan, you’ll regret it.
You deleted the other classes but miss the point. They are but 2 (3 counting proxima) Damage dealers in the game. If all you need is damage take them against stun immune Mephisto cause they can deal more damage than blade faster.
Or take them both up against a bleed node or Morningstar. Screw the fact LC is another heavy hitter with bleed immune.
This isn’t injustice… abilities actually letter in this game. Damage is very important too but when you also have to consider abilities well there’s a reason Medusa is more gem worthy than Hela or Angela because her signature allows her to do damage like them who are that strong at base.
But if it’s ALL about damage then you gotta make a discussion (AND DEFEND IT) that Magik, Voodoo, both Visions, Starlord and Ghost Rider ALL suck because he doesn’t deal as much damage as fast as Hyperion.
Yes Hyperion kills fast but Ronan can kill easy and those aren’t always the same thing. It’s easy to kill Morningstar with deep wounds on All-Nothing with Luke Cage but your logic I should bring Hyperion…
Wait for Medusa, Proxima, even Hela or Hyperion. They are all infinitely better. Ronan is fun, but limited in use. Stun immunity is common in high end content. Just don’t do it.
I’ve had a mutant gem since 12.0. I could have used it several times now, but not until it’s iceman. AA or the like. You get a handful of them, ever. Don’t blow it,
If a hero or merc proves difficult to fight in the future you’ll find 1 comic book instance they were bad and demand them getting a new tag.
BW currently shuts down all of science but she’s still limited to that niche of denying Science abilities as her damage is trash.
Also aside from a handful of immunity nodes (Good lucky landing a heavy or even using Medusa), even 5.4 doesn’t have many stun immune if maybe 1 or 2 per quest. And pre.12 Thor was bad vs stun immune too and I don’t think anyone called him bad EVER!
In order, IMO, the only great cosmic champs to be duped as of right now are Hyperion, Medusa, Proxima, Corvus, Cap Marvel/Ms. Marvel and SIM (upcoming).
Actually Blade is Niche. As someone who ACTUALLY HAS a 5* Blade, i can say I would never choose him as a top 10 champion for any fight without danger sense active. So yes Blade is niche. Dormammu is also niche. He has some very specific utility that makes him good for fights where you need to power control or where there is extremely high physical resistance.