Ironpatriot or nahhh

So my friend decided to have some fun and chose to rank4 a 4 star ironpatriot and use an awakening gem (generic) on him to prove people wrong about him being sh*t, frankly, it wasn't what our alliance members were expecting, he had a blast the thrill of action gave him adrenaline and led to almost buying rope and turning it into a lynch.

Lol. His sp2 is amazing. People hate on him too much because there's way better tech champs.
People just give him **** because, again, as stated above there are better tech choices, but he's far from bad. I personally think he's decent as long as you don't dupe him. Would I ever use t4c's on him? Absolutely not because those should only go to either prestige champs or the hardest hitting/tool champs of that class. Would I drop t4b's on him? Sure, my 5* is r2 already.
Try using burnout to full heal him.
SP2 damaging to what, 3*'s ? Mate I could take a Rhino and outdamage Pat on SP2. Why is he decent? His dmg compared to any other tech is ****. He has burnout, his regen compared ti all IM versions is inferior. If you want regen you use Wolvie or any other IM, if you want SP2 dmg you use Storm or B.Bolt. There's literally no point to him other than a 3/30 arena fodd.
That's horrifying
1) Good luck on that rhino claim.
2) His damage is better than the other ironmen when you're including specs. He very much has that going for him when compared to the ironmen series.
3) Like I said, if you're using IP for regen you don't know how to fight anyway. That goes for any version, not just IP.
4) Running around saying "oh if you want sp2 damage use ----" is idiotic. In that case what's the point in using any other champ besides SL for damage? Clearly he has the highest potential so you should just sell everything else because they're all useless. Think before speaking next time.
You can run around saying other champs are better all day, all the way up to the couple top champs above everything. That doesn't mean he's a bad champ, it just means you're simple minded, nothing more nothing less.
Agree there. Not trying to look down on anyone's skill if if anyone who relays on regen (e.g SW whiners) don't know how to play well.