Agent Venom's L1 against Stark-Spideys!

First of all, I do not know for sure when this issue arose but i think it was this month's update that made this a huge pain for me. So, the problem is, as u guys all know, stark-spidey can evade specials upto 63-70% chances right? However, Agent Venom has a passive that reduces evade chances. So, while blocking Agent Venom's L1 with spidey, spidey always evades couple of the projectile attacks and takes the whole thing to his face even though im blocking all the way. This caused spidey to bleed tons and being a glasscanon as he is, he died. There is no way of preventing stark-spidey's death. This has already happen to me couple times in wars and more than few times in arenas. Is anyone else struggling with the same thing and if so, would there be any solution to this?
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Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
Had that happen to me mons ago in AQ
Do not use Sparky agaist Talent Champs in AW the first.