The Horde Alliance Looking for Two Players (Gold 2 Season for AW, AQ 44333 & 54333)

The Horde alliance is currently looking for two more good players to add to our team. Line is required for communication. We hit SA every week, usually getting in the 20-40% reward range. We were short a player for the AQ runs this week and still came in 700s rank. Because it was free week we did map 5 twice, but we plan on alternating weeks with 54333 and 44333 to make things easier on everyone for donations and time commitment. Only official requirements are full participation in AQ and AW, and following instructions on which paths to take in harder events, plus donations 26,700 gold and 1,700 loyalty a week (exact amounts might be slightly more now that we are adding map 5 in). I'd say about 120k minimum roster strength preferred, but we could use a boss killer as well if someone is looking to relax a bit after being in a 5x alliance like some of our members. I grew from 140k to 203k in just 3 months here. Message me on Line: notamutant.
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