Please change the "Participation" tab back to showing all members (even those with 0 ).

Please change the "Participation" tab back to showing all members (even those with 0 ). This change makes it harder for officers to track the 0 participation members (now you are forcing me to have to cross check the names and find out who is missing in each and every event).
PLEASE BRING BACK THE FULL LIST EVEN THOSE WITH "0" (right now it only shows a member's name if they have put points into it... this is a new change and one I cannot for the life of me figure out why they thought this was a good change to make)!
Thanks for your time and consideration,
SINGED - An Officer who doesn't have the time to do even more unnecessary crosschecking just becasue you want to arbitrarily remove tools from us.
PLEASE BRING BACK THE FULL LIST EVEN THOSE WITH "0" (right now it only shows a member's name if they have put points into it... this is a new change and one I cannot for the life of me figure out why they thought this was a good change to make)!
Thanks for your time and consideration,
SINGED - An Officer who doesn't have the time to do even more unnecessary crosschecking just becasue you want to arbitrarily remove tools from us.
Thanks for replying and taking this to the team.
I knew it wasn't a bug... that is why I posted in the "Suggestions and Requests" section
I must say I cannot wrap my mind around how they thought this was a good idea. Any chance you have an opening for a community tester or even community consultant (just teasing mostly... it would be a good idea though as it seems you don't have any or are at least not utilizing them)? I could have look at this change on paper and immediately told you the issues with it (though to be fair I feel most people who are officers could have told you this).
BTW, can you explain what you mean by "functional fix"... that implies something was broken and for it to work this change had to be made... so may I ask what was broken that required this really unintuitive change/tool removal?
I sure hope not... that would be taking something invaluable away to give us something totally useless.