Alliance Event Participation

seanjohn7944seanjohn7944 Member Posts: 153
With the new update I can now only see participation of members who have contributed points to an Alliance Event. Before this update I could see all the members totals, even if they had not scored points.

As a leader of an alliance it was extremely valuable to me to see those members who had not scored any points. It let me keep easily keep track of those members who where not contributing. Removing this feature will now add more time to my duties as a leader and leave me less time to play the game.

Please bring back the full Alliance Event Participation view.


  • Fantasy_91Fantasy_91 Member Posts: 243
    I agree, at minimum the officers and leaders should be able to see this information. Too much time is already involved in recruiting.
  • Man_BatMan_Bat Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Yes, I agree too. It's a valuable tool to alliance leaders and officers.
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