Why I might quit, and why I believe it matters

Help, I Need Somebody
I'm not happy here, and to be honest I haven't been in awhile. While I'm sure many of you are going to jump to saying, "Well if you don't want to be here, then you aren't wanted here", but just hear me out.
The End of Times?
I really feel like this could be leading to the end of contest of champions. So far, this year's in game offers have been terrible. The have taken what were great offers in the past, taken away most of what made those offers worthwhile, and made them more expensive.
I Need An Energy Drink
In December they said hey, "We know things are going to cost a lot of energy this month, so let's make some of our quests free of charge". Now if I want to complete all the event quest, still get some story in, and play catalyst quests I would have to play every day and wake up early to do it without spending money or units on energy.
Kabam Is Your Family Now. Kabam Is Life
Kabam has no comprehension of work life balance. I have family, friends, and a job i want to prioritze, and play this gane in my free time. And on that note, This game isn't supposed to be work, it's supposed to be fun and enjoyable. Yet, for some reason, Kabam keeps making the game more time consuming and harder to play.
Lost In The Dungeons
The dungeons may have been the real last straw. I have been trying to so everything I could to break the barrier and smash through the current wall I'm hitting in the game where I can't really progress until I get at least 1 God tier 5 star. I, like many people, thought that dungeons would be the answer to that problem. We thought we could get a chance to work hard and win valuable 5 stars that would finally shift the game for us, and then they take that away with the stupid little prestige loophole.
What Is This Games Drop Rate on Being Worth It?
I'm sick and tired of working my butt off for a 2.5% at something that will make this game worth it. While some people are lucky and get everything they need to beat Road to the Labyrinth in a couple months, Some people like me have been playing for 2 years and still haven't gotten that lucky break.
Kabam Just Doesn't Care About Us?
It's really starting to feel that way. While it was nice that they finally listened to the players and decreased the difficulty of the sentinels, it doesn't change the fact that their initial reactions were, "No, you're wrong. Sentinels aren't harder, you just need to get better". Even with that fix, things in the game are still broken and unfair, and they don't seem to care at all. These are some of the reasons why I want to quit. I still am up in the air and I'm hopeful things will get better, but I'm not optimistic about it.
I'm not happy here, and to be honest I haven't been in awhile. While I'm sure many of you are going to jump to saying, "Well if you don't want to be here, then you aren't wanted here", but just hear me out.
The End of Times?
I really feel like this could be leading to the end of contest of champions. So far, this year's in game offers have been terrible. The have taken what were great offers in the past, taken away most of what made those offers worthwhile, and made them more expensive.
I Need An Energy Drink
In December they said hey, "We know things are going to cost a lot of energy this month, so let's make some of our quests free of charge". Now if I want to complete all the event quest, still get some story in, and play catalyst quests I would have to play every day and wake up early to do it without spending money or units on energy.
Kabam Is Your Family Now. Kabam Is Life
Kabam has no comprehension of work life balance. I have family, friends, and a job i want to prioritze, and play this gane in my free time. And on that note, This game isn't supposed to be work, it's supposed to be fun and enjoyable. Yet, for some reason, Kabam keeps making the game more time consuming and harder to play.
Lost In The Dungeons
The dungeons may have been the real last straw. I have been trying to so everything I could to break the barrier and smash through the current wall I'm hitting in the game where I can't really progress until I get at least 1 God tier 5 star. I, like many people, thought that dungeons would be the answer to that problem. We thought we could get a chance to work hard and win valuable 5 stars that would finally shift the game for us, and then they take that away with the stupid little prestige loophole.
What Is This Games Drop Rate on Being Worth It?
I'm sick and tired of working my butt off for a 2.5% at something that will make this game worth it. While some people are lucky and get everything they need to beat Road to the Labyrinth in a couple months, Some people like me have been playing for 2 years and still haven't gotten that lucky break.
Kabam Just Doesn't Care About Us?
It's really starting to feel that way. While it was nice that they finally listened to the players and decreased the difficulty of the sentinels, it doesn't change the fact that their initial reactions were, "No, you're wrong. Sentinels aren't harder, you just need to get better". Even with that fix, things in the game are still broken and unfair, and they don't seem to care at all. These are some of the reasons why I want to quit. I still am up in the air and I'm hopeful things will get better, but I'm not optimistic about it.
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Gotta remember at the end of the day Kabam is a business, if it affects their bottom line then they are going to make adjustments. Rolling out this new content is just making them more money. I wouldnt expect much to change. Take a break for a few months and comeback, by then hopefully the implement something to help ya.
What I do dislike is Kabam giving out max rewards only for 100% completing all of the EQ game modes. For the vast majority of us, Beginner and Normal mode are the most boring face roll gameplay in the entire universe, and I hate having to take any time out of my day at all autofighting them. This month I'm touching them only because I might get an additional rift if I finish them... but man is it BORING.
I am planning an indefinite break after this round of AQ, for pretty much all the reasons you stated above.
Not arguing about energy costs, there was a jump that seemed excessive to me. It was further exasperated by both the added energy cost of running the rifts themselves, and the fact that you had a lot of players completing additional difficulties of the monthly event quests that they do not normally do to get rift shards.
As far as time constraints go, there has been a portion of players that have complained that there is not enough to do in this game. Usually these complaints would hit about 3 weeks after the new monthly quest was released. (likely around the time that said players finished that quest) Kabam has added more stuff to do. Like most games, the more time you are able to put into it, the better stuff you get. As it should be. I write this not having had the time to run a single dungeon on day 2 of the event due to my job. Hell, I moved to a "relaxed alliance" a few months ago so I wouldn't hold my teammates back due to real life getting crazy. It would be great to grind arena and get free champs every week...I don't have the time...doesn't make me angry or resent those that do.
I have been playing this game over 3 years, and do not have a 5* that would even be considered "demi-god", I just work harder with what champs I do have. I have had good luck with 4*s, thankfully. I feel like too many people get all worked up about what other people have in this game, instead of just enjoying it for what it is....a game. If you are constantly concerned about what other people have, or what rewards are out there that you are unable to get...I can see how this would stop being fun for people. I have fun playing this everyday. If I get something good...awesome, if I don't...maybe tomorrow. Am I doing an celebration dance when I dupe my 5* Hulkbuster? Of course not. But it doesn't make me angry..it is just a game. (Don't get me wrong, if I spent a bunch of money on one of those overpriced 5 star shard deals and got HB I would be ticked...but at that point you are basically putting your money on a roulette wheel..get mad at yourself)
To @Time4ASpanking : I am not arguing against your post. (except maybe the "End of Times" part) Just about everything you listed are things that irritate many players, and if they bother you to the point where this is no longer fun for you...I totally do not blame you for wanting to quit playing. The whole point of games is that they are fun for you or you find a different game. I know it is unlikely that I will ever be fighting in Platinum tier AWs or stomping my way through map 6 in AQ, even if real life settled down to give me more free time. But I also know that I have fun logging in and beating some people up every day as a temporary distraction from real life. Just offering a different perspective.
Totally agree. FOMO is strong with CoC - once I stopped comparing to what others had, the game became much more enjoyable.
(Though I still don't have a Blade, 4* or 5* Grr......)
I'm not saying we need God tier 5 stars for the dungeon. I'm saying we need them to progress through other parts of the game, and dungeons seemed like it was finally going to be a chance to get them
Oh, I misunderstood. Fair enough. Yes it is disheartening. I had some good luck with pulls last year and told myself, "I will never complain again!", which was a mistake, because I cursed myself. The next 25 5* pulls were nothing but trash... hahaha.. I was almost on the brink of giving up, then got a couple of good pulls this month. hang in there...
Lots of youtubers lost interest and quit in the past three weeks. You aren't alone.
I appreciate your feedback about how you are feeling about the game and wish you the best in game if you choose to continue to play.
If you have any specific feedback about Dungeons or other features, please feel free to post it in one of the already active threads about the topic.