The problem with dormamu and Voodoo’s power burn

I found there’s a problem with the power burn system with these 2 characters as the damage does not change no matter what rarity or rank. A Dormammu does about 300 damage as a rank 1 3 star but my 4:40 does the same also with voodoo while his power burn is nice at any level it’s a tad bit op at lower levels and a bit underwhelming at higher levels
Not if you chain into a sp2. Get imbued, finish with a medium getting the power burn, go straight into a sp2 and you’ll still get the power drain on top of the power lock. So you get both imbued effects rather than just one.
It does, I do it pretty much every time I use him. I see it as a little bonus for your sp2, he’s not really supposed to be a damage dealer anyway. All about the utility and power control. The sp2 won’t drain power though if you become imbued from the medium you just ended with. You need to already be imbued at the start of the combo.