Danger Sense triggers against Gambit, hero/avenger [Under Investigation]

I’m not sure if this has been brought to your attention before, but ya boi Gambit ain’t a villain & shouldn’t trigger ‘danger sense’ while using blade. Easy fix guys, get on it, its only been 5 months ;-)

Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
This is old news and already brought up. There was a thread outlining a few champs that gave blade danger sense but had no villain tag. Ie taskmaster, iron patriot, gambit etc..
Edit: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/41449/bug-fought-blade-in-arena-and-he-got-danger-sense-against-cyclops-under-investigation/p1
Gambit is a villain
I don’t understand!
I’m sure GAMBIT is not a villain Champion
We've identified the issue with Gambit triggering Danger Sense and have a fix planned for an upcoming update.
No it means Gambit will be fixed in the next update.
Buddy, he’s a villain. That’s Norman friggen Osborn, for heck’s sake