Which 4 star is better to use

Batpotter1Batpotter1 Member Posts: 348
I will use both but I am just wondering your opinion. Both are 3/30

Which 4 star is better to use 18 votes

Thor (Ragnarok) (Sig 21)
Spider-Man Stark-Enhanced (No Dupe
ThatsausageINTEGRALninexhelixRavenrob_33SKK65GeneralDCSpiderCoolsElitehunterDRTOPickleinmypantsJNuclearAdityaNPEnderDraco58Cats73Mitchell35HereticNukeAccident 17 votes
Wait for a better 4 star (Blade)
Both are good
buffajr 1 vote


  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    Spider-Man Stark-Enhanced (No Dupe
    Stark Spidey by a landslide, either the 2nd best or best champ in the game, depending on who you ask.
  • Batpotter1Batpotter1 Member Posts: 348
    I was just asking because Duped Thor seemed good as well
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    Spider-Man Stark-Enhanced (No Dupe
    Batpotter1 wrote: »
    I was just asking because Duped Thor seemed good as well

    If he is awakened, he needs a high sig level and needs the hulk synergy. With that he needs to get to like a 40 hit combo to do some good damage. So yes he can be good, but really only for long fights only and when he's leveled up properly. But Stark Spidey has higher damage without the need for any of that.
  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    Spider-Man Stark-Enhanced (No Dupe
    ahem Stark spidey is better than blade imo.
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