ideas on how to improve AQ

1. Probably the most frustrating part of AQ is that those who contribute the least get the same rewards as those who contribute the most. It encourages an environment of parasitism and often leads to the top players getting fed up and seeking a new alliance.
So my suggestion is for each player to receive AQ rewards proportional to his contribution. In a Capitalist society i believe this makes sense.
2. Another issue is punctuality. Because it is possible for a player to enter AQ very late but still get a high score by going straight to the boss. His tardiness could result in failing to 100% the map. So my suggestion is to place a reward system for those who are punctual. Maybe additional resources if you start moving on or before the 2-hour mark (2 hours after the start of AQ) And after the 2 hour mark, players get penalized per hour of tardiness.
3.Officer-assisted movement: Sometimes the nature of one's job simply prevents one from moving in AQ, not to mention certain life events such as birthdays, vacations, emergencies, tragedies, etc. Thus I would like a system where officers can move the champs of any player in their bg but not be able to fight with them. This in my opinion has the additional benefit of lessening the instances of account sharing.
Thank you for your time if you managed to read all of this and I'd like to hear your suggestions in the comments below.
As for 5 energy penalties,Seriously,You wanna make us be tensed in AQ even more?!