In-game chat, alliance chat and dungeon messages malfunctioning :((

Personally, I don't use chat that often but ever since the latest update, along with the addition of dungeons, adding up someone and messaging them via inbox has been rampant. But on top that, ever since this update, i really couldn't message anyone properly for I can only message one person at a time because that specific message to that one person, appears on every single friend I have in my list. Therefore hindering me from starting new ones. It's becoming more of a hassle specially now that conversing has been more important than ever. Alliance wars and and quest are crucial so it has been more stressful to see even the war alliance chat compromised. All I'm saying is please do address this issue as soon as possible without waiting for the next update and just solving it there in one go. We players need communication up and running and I do hope you can just take a moment to shut the game and fix this issue first. Thank you, and I hope for your kind consideration.