Any players with Dormammu notice a range reduction in his heavy attack?

Any players with Dormammu notice a range reduction in his heavy attack? Specifically the 2nd strike? Beginning this week, I moticed the effective range of my Dormammu’s heavy attack reduced significantly!
But the AI’s Dormammu continues to have the normal (longer) effective range for the 2nd strike of his heavy attack.
Is this a glitch or did the developers purposefully reduce the effective range for players only, while keeping th AI Dormammu with a longer heavy attack range?
But the AI’s Dormammu continues to have the normal (longer) effective range for the 2nd strike of his heavy attack.
Is this a glitch or did the developers purposefully reduce the effective range for players only, while keeping th AI Dormammu with a longer heavy attack range?
Any players with Dormammu notice a range reduction in his heavy attack? 2 votes
Yes, I’ve noticed this inconsistency/ issue.
1 vote
No, I haven’t noticed this inconsistency/ issue.
1 vote
I do not have a Dormammu champion
0 votes
Blackcat is H-0-T!!!
0 votes