Are there to many events going on at the same time?

BCdiscmanBCdiscman Member Posts: 348
I only ask this question because as the leader of a 12mil alliance and an officer in two other alliances, I am getting feed back from members that they are getting burnt out having to do so many things just to keep up with requirements and to keep from falling behind in the Prestige race

Are there to many events going on at the same time? 63 votes

Yes, they need to be spaced out more
ThatweirdguyBigPoppaCBONERagamugginGunnerSnakeEyes69BadroseThe_OneAddyosSomeoneElseUnevenZeroINTEGRALPolderpommieTendersquadCallmelaFleurAlCapone2727chunkybJohnyzeroSirTodd_83MoiraDCodornasRhyano 33 votes
No, It is great having so much content
GroundedWisdomStara99NEOHulksmasshhRomo790BitterSteelMegaSkater67xNigDeadbyrd9AxeCopFirebuffajrPrimmer79New_Noob168KossukoseSac123_Darkrider05VuDahRCunhaSavio444Jokepool 25 votes
No opinion one way or the other
SnizzbarBCdiscmanVossler77XFA_RebootedChampioncritic 5 votes


  • chev327foxchev327fox Member Posts: 826 ★★
    Yes, they need to be spaced out more
    Yeah I have felt a bit overwhelmed lately (more then any other month before)... just so much to do lately and Dungeons are so time consuming and wit the game issues a bit tiresome.
  • KillSwitchKillSwitch Member Posts: 283 ★★★
    Yes, they need to be spaced out more
    Kabam will achieve maximum burnout of a majority of their players at this rate. The time investment required to advance significantly in this game is far too much. Rewards are sooooooo far behind the curve at this point that I will not consider keeping up my level of play until they FINALLY address rewards and scale them up to where they truly need to be in today’s game.
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  • BCdiscmanBCdiscman Member Posts: 348
    No opinion one way or the other
    Most Alliances have participation requirements scoring of minimal points in certain events and dues requirements. Are you saying that you have never heard of this? Really?
  • KnightarthusKnightarthus Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    Having too many events at the same time is a great thing BUT ....

    When one event takes 1-3 hours a day, that’s just bad management. Not sure who thought that was a great idea after the feed back of the initial Modok lab when people complained about 3 times a day on all difficulties. Dungeons are even more time consuming. We had several people quit and still no response on a quick fix.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    No, It is great having so much content
    Once you figure out how to best do dungeons efficiently, it takes no more than 40 minutes a day to knock out milestones. It’s actually much more fun than something like arena too.

    Trials of the mad king literally take 3 fights a day (other than the final day) and can be done quicker than duel event.

    Rifts / event quest have been out for some time before these special events started so most got a head start on that. Maybe your arena scores might go down a bit from all these events but it’s hardly too much. And if you do find dungeons too time-consuming, just don’t do them everyday. There is nothing compelling you to do dungeons and you’re not missing out on much if you miss a day.
  • chev327foxchev327fox Member Posts: 826 ★★
    edited April 2018
    Yes, they need to be spaced out more
    Once you figure out how to best do dungeons efficiently, it takes no more than 40 minutes a day to knock out milestones. It’s actually much more fun than something like arena too.

    Trials of the mad king literally take 3 fights a day (other than the final day) and can be done quicker than duel event.

    Rifts / event quest have been out for some time before these special events started so most got a head start on that. Maybe your arena scores might go down a bit from all these events but it’s hardly too much. And if you do find dungeons too time-consuming, just don’t do them everyday. There is nothing compelling you to do dungeons and you’re not missing out on much if you miss a day.

    The main issue for most is Dungeons. Up until last night chats were broken.

    Also I hate how it replies on the other side doing well... sucks when I have 3 near full health champs and we have to end the run.

    Dungeons are a good idea... but should have like a weekly timer or a 3 day timer so people can space it out as right now between those, AQ, and AW it is getting to be a bit much (Dungeons are way more taxing then solo content as you have to coordinate and many more issues can happen... also you cannot just come back and finish if something comes up, and there are so many more issues but you should get the idea).

    I do get it though... (not saying this is you) but if I were still a kid in school I am sure I would want even more content then they have now, but with a life Dungeons each and each day is just not viable let alone Dungeons and all the other stuff each day.

    Also you are wrong about nothing compelling about Dungeons... I NEED Infinity Dust. If I don't get some Tier 4 Cats soon I will stop playing as I am skill capped with my Rank 4's and cannot get any further into Act 5 without spending (which I wont do). Please don't take this the wrong way but I think you are having issues seeing past your own personal situation and how it relates to the game and you are pushing that on all of us when you consider it.
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    You are the leader of an alliance & also an officer in 2 other alliances......that would translate to 3 separate

    Oh and with regards to your poll: better to have to much to do, choose which events you have the most fun playing and do those......simple really.
    (And I don’t play dungeons, they can’t be played solo, so I don’t bother with them).
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  • chev327foxchev327fox Member Posts: 826 ★★
    edited April 2018
    Yes, they need to be spaced out more
    You are the leader of an alliance & also an officer in 2 other alliances......that would translate to 3 separate

    Oh and with regards to your poll: better to have to much to do, choose which events you have the most fun playing and do those......simple really.
    (And I don’t play dungeons, they can’t be played solo, so I don’t bother with them).

    Again I think Dungeons are the sole reason for people feeling this way. If only they kept Infinity Dust out of Dungeons and just did the Dark Artifacts this wouldn't happen (and take the few million that was get-able in Dungeons and add it back to the monthly event quest).

    I want to ignore Dungeons all together but as soon as i realized theory threw in a massive chunk of the overall earn-able Infinity Dust i had to do them.

    So i don't actually think there is too much content... I just think Dungeons were done wrong so it feels like there is.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    No, It is great having so much content
    chev327fox wrote: »
    Once you figure out how to best do dungeons efficiently, it takes no more than 40 minutes a day to knock out milestones. It’s actually much more fun than something like arena too.

    Trials of the mad king literally take 3 fights a day (other than the final day) and can be done quicker than duel event.

    Rifts / event quest have been out for some time before these special events started so most got a head start on that. Maybe your arena scores might go down a bit from all these events but it’s hardly too much. And if you do find dungeons too time-consuming, just don’t do them everyday. There is nothing compelling you to do dungeons and you’re not missing out on much if you miss a day.

    The main issue for most is Dungeons. Up until last night chats were broken.

    Also I hate how it replies on the other side doing well... sucks when I have 3 near full health champs and we have to end the run.

    Dungeons are a good idea... but should have like a weekly timer or a 3 day timer so people can space it out as right now between those, AQ, and AW it is getting to be a bit much (Dungeons are way more taxing then solo content as you have to coordinate and many more issues can happen... also you cannot just come back and finish if something comes up, and there are so many more issues but you should get the idea).

    I do get it though... (not saying this is you) but if I were still a kid in school I am sure I would want even more content then they have now, but with a life Dungeons each and each day is just not viable let alone Dungeons and all the other stuff each day.

    Also you are wrong about nothing compelling about Dungeons... I NEED Infinity Dust. If I don't get some Tier 4 Cats soon I will stop playing as I am skill capped with my Rank 4's and cannot get any further into Act 5 without spending (which I wont do). Please don't take this the wrong way but I think you are having issues seeing past your own personal situation and how it relates to the game and you are pushing that on all of us when you consider it.

    Dungeons were taxing for me too the first couple days, where we would spend 10 minutes every room trying to discuss which node to take and then one of us might die early, causing us to take another hour to grab the last milestone. But after some time, understanding how the system works and finding a partner who also understands saves a ton of time.

    - Communicate beforehand which class path you will take and stick only to that path
    - Use your judgement to pick the node you think will be harder, don’t need to wait around for your partner to tell you (and vice versa)
    - Use Line to communicate, find groups, etc.

    Once everyone gets more accustomed with dungeons, the process will feel a lot more smooth. I work more than a full-time job but am probably more active on this game than the average. Dungeons doesn’t take nearly as much time as arena does though.

    If you need infinity dust for tier 4 cats then that’s totally fine. If you miss one day of dungeon milestones because you were busy, you still have 30+ other days to grab milestones. Pick and choose when you have time to grab dungeon milestones, that’s the healthiest way to play the game.
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  • PandoraFlamePandoraFlame Member Posts: 110
    No, It is great having so much content
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    More events is better than not enough events. You have the option to pick which ones you have the time for if you can’t play them all. What’s wrong with that?

    Completely agree with you!
  • chev327foxchev327fox Member Posts: 826 ★★
    Yes, they need to be spaced out more
    chev327fox wrote: »
    Once you figure out how to best do dungeons efficiently, it takes no more than 40 minutes a day to knock out milestones. It’s actually much more fun than something like arena too.

    Trials of the mad king literally take 3 fights a day (other than the final day) and can be done quicker than duel event.

    Rifts / event quest have been out for some time before these special events started so most got a head start on that. Maybe your arena scores might go down a bit from all these events but it’s hardly too much. And if you do find dungeons too time-consuming, just don’t do them everyday. There is nothing compelling you to do dungeons and you’re not missing out on much if you miss a day.

    The main issue for most is Dungeons. Up until last night chats were broken.

    Also I hate how it replies on the other side doing well... sucks when I have 3 near full health champs and we have to end the run.

    Dungeons are a good idea... but should have like a weekly timer or a 3 day timer so people can space it out as right now between those, AQ, and AW it is getting to be a bit much (Dungeons are way more taxing then solo content as you have to coordinate and many more issues can happen... also you cannot just come back and finish if something comes up, and there are so many more issues but you should get the idea).

    I do get it though... (not saying this is you) but if I were still a kid in school I am sure I would want even more content then they have now, but with a life Dungeons each and each day is just not viable let alone Dungeons and all the other stuff each day.

    Also you are wrong about nothing compelling about Dungeons... I NEED Infinity Dust. If I don't get some Tier 4 Cats soon I will stop playing as I am skill capped with my Rank 4's and cannot get any further into Act 5 without spending (which I wont do). Please don't take this the wrong way but I think you are having issues seeing past your own personal situation and how it relates to the game and you are pushing that on all of us when you consider it.

    Dungeons were taxing for me too the first couple days, where we would spend 10 minutes every room trying to discuss which node to take and then one of us might die early, causing us to take another hour to grab the last milestone. But after some time, understanding how the system works and finding a partner who also understands saves a ton of time.

    - Communicate beforehand which class path you will take and stick only to that path
    - Use your judgement to pick the node you think will be harder, don’t need to wait around for your partner to tell you (and vice versa)
    - Use Line to communicate, find groups, etc.

    Once everyone gets more accustomed with dungeons, the process will feel a lot more smooth. I work more than a full-time job but am probably more active on this game than the average. Dungeons doesn’t take nearly as much time as arena does though.

    If you need infinity dust for tier 4 cats then that’s totally fine. If you miss one day of dungeon milestones because you were busy, you still have 30+ other days to grab milestones. Pick and choose when you have time to grab dungeon milestones, that’s the healthiest way to play the game.

    Yes it gets faster the better you initially set up. This is besides the point for me personally (also it is painfully obvious but I appreciate the gesture to try and help).

    Yeah my point is they are so taxing they are all I did for the past 3 days really (there then the basic Alliance stuff). Also they cut about a 1/3rd of the overall earn-able Infinity Dust into those time consuming Dungeons (and again as i mentioned n there are many more issues like crashes during play and then the timer if you crash... again even more then this but it is not a issue of soling these issues, these issues are inherent with the setup so really it just need to be timed better like a 3 day cycle).

    If only they did what I thought when I first read the post what they would do... have Dungeons be for Dark Artifacts only and Infinity Dist in the Trials and Monthly Quest (but no... they had to force a chunk into their new mode). It is okay... if I get only a couple T4CC Crystals becasue of this and don't get the single one or two I need I will just quite as I will be stuck for months more and at this point of the game will be unacceptable for me personally.
  • BCdiscmanBCdiscman Member Posts: 348
    No opinion one way or the other
    You are the leader of an alliance & also an officer in 2 other alliances......that would translate to 3 separate

    Actually only 2 accounts. One alliance I no longer play with just advise.
  • BCdiscmanBCdiscman Member Posts: 348
    No opinion one way or the other
    The main complaint I have been giving (and I do see the point) is that the game is great for players who have been playing for less than a year but at a certain point it just becomes a total grind. It is designed so that players plateau at a certain level. Gold & T1 Alphas are increasingly hard to obtain. People always have t4 cats expiring because T2 Alphas & T5 Basics are almost impossible to get. Content is constantly getting harder but rewards do not get better and Arena cutoffs keep going through the roof (50 million? Wow). It is getting to the point of having to run this game like a 2nd job just to keep up and you never seem to progress. If you have a full time job and still want to spend time with your family forget about it....

    These are the major complaints I get from my alliance members and we have lost over 40 players in 3 alliances who have gotten burnt out and just quit the game in the last 4 months. I don't know what the fix would be but it really does seem to be a problem in my opinion
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