Solo AQ and AW

I made an earlier suggestion to have two modes of play - a solo mode and an alliance mode. You have to commit to one or the other on a season by season basis.
The solo mode would replace Alliance-driven AQ and AW with a solo-driven AQ and AW.
A solo player would bring in 3 teams of 3 champions and have three linked classs-specific paths to go down and like AQ have to run through 3 sections, the first 2 sections with mini-bosses and the final section with a boss. You have 24 hours to get through day 1 and it runs for 5 days. So basically a solo version of AQ.
The same with AW. A solo player places their defenses with similar nodes to Alliance mode AW...15 champions total on defense in sections 1-3 (five in each section). And you now battle other solo players using a match up system. Like solo AQ - you each bring in three teams of three.
The numbers may be wrong but basically solo versions of AQ and AW. I think this could be a lot of fun.
The difference may not be in the time consumed but rather free players of the reliance on other player's schedules and how active they are. We can do it at our own pace and not feel like we are on call all day. And there are other reasons why being in an alliance can be unappealing that I won't discuss here.
The rewards would be equivalent to Alliance AQ and AW and allow players to advance at the same pace regardless of what mode they prefer. Solo mode could be only for Uncollected players as a requisite.
The solo mode would replace Alliance-driven AQ and AW with a solo-driven AQ and AW.
A solo player would bring in 3 teams of 3 champions and have three linked classs-specific paths to go down and like AQ have to run through 3 sections, the first 2 sections with mini-bosses and the final section with a boss. You have 24 hours to get through day 1 and it runs for 5 days. So basically a solo version of AQ.
The same with AW. A solo player places their defenses with similar nodes to Alliance mode AW...15 champions total on defense in sections 1-3 (five in each section). And you now battle other solo players using a match up system. Like solo AQ - you each bring in three teams of three.
The numbers may be wrong but basically solo versions of AQ and AW. I think this could be a lot of fun.
The difference may not be in the time consumed but rather free players of the reliance on other player's schedules and how active they are. We can do it at our own pace and not feel like we are on call all day. And there are other reasons why being in an alliance can be unappealing that I won't discuss here.
The rewards would be equivalent to Alliance AQ and AW and allow players to advance at the same pace regardless of what mode they prefer. Solo mode could be only for Uncollected players as a requisite.
It was a good idea so far,till the last sentence..
Matchmaking for the current AW is not the best suit at this moment...
1) Alliance AW/AQ takes about 15 mins in total to move every 5 hours.
2) Communication is not a problem in a competitive alliance because useless players are kicked.
3) If you get busy for a certain AQ/AW, you can tag along and still get rewards, just let the officers and leader know of your busy schedule.
What points do you have for Solo AQ/AW that would make it better? (unless ofcourse you compare it to a low level - OPEN invite - turd filled alliance)
1. While the actual time spent running through both AQ and AW are not have to be on call for hours and hours. I would often check to see whether someone needed me to make a move in AQ or AW to the point where my wife would get somewhat annoyed. I would excuse myself from a get together, dinner, etc. to run AQ or AW. The game was always on my mind...which I believe can be unhealthy.
2. Sometimes I would have to stay up as late as 1 am to clear my path because someone else did not bring down the linked node. This is usually more of an issue in AQ than AW. If I did not stay up and went to bed early, I would get some complaints.
3. The change in AW has created a lot of pressure because the rewards are extremely valuable if you want to advance your roster. This has altered the dynamic of being in an alliance making it often more tense and argumentative. And if I died in AW, it would put me in a bad mood because I felt like I let my Alliance down.
4. When you have a group of people that all have a stake in something, there is often politics. There can also be personality clashes. For those of us that prefer to play alone and not deal with politics and personality clashes, we sacrifice advancement at the same pace. I would like to see a game mode that allows solo-oriented players an alternative path towards advancement. It doesn't seem like an outrageous request.
5. The value of a Solo Mode is to be able to continue to advance without being tethered to other people's schedules, abilities, personalities or politics. It enables us to be empowered and self-sufficient. I have spoken to a number of veteran players, many of whom are thinking of leaving the game and indicating that a Solo Mode would get them to stay. Now this is by no means a scientific study but it is a good indicator that it would be a popular mode.
6. I am not suggesting we eliminate Alliances but requesting a separate mode that could add some new energy into the game. Again, they could make being Uncollected a requirement. You can also add other requisites - 100% LOL and/or Act 5. Perhaps there is a prestige minimum. Also make it seasonal so players can switch modes from season to season.
I appreciate your view but I think the issue here is that you are in a highly competitive alliance, not just a decent/competitive one. There are MANY alliances out there, that will let you live your life, let you take the time off and still finish up in Gold tiers / Run AQ maps 5 and 3. I am in one such alliance and I know I cannot commit more to this game because like you said, wife and kids.
1) If you have LINE, it's easy. Someone tags you, you either respond / go in and clear the node. Not really necessary to keep checking on your own. We do the same and it keeps people happy.
2) If someone was sleeping and didn't clear their own path, then you are definitely not at fault. Again, too much demanding alliance, there are better ones out there.
3) I agree dying in AW can be disappointing, but I wouldn't go as far as spoiling my mood for it. If someone complains to me about it, I'd just say sorry and move on. My alliance knows depending on my current level, how well I play, sometimes everyone messes up.
4) Politics is everywhere, but a good alliance rises above those and lets you take your time off for family and friends. I quit an alliance when my leader was a jerk, no point in hanging around to see if their behavior improves.
5) I am not against such a mode, but for competionists, it will add another thing to do in the game. As such there are already too many things to do and we see complain posts about that. It's hard to ignore when some rewards are staring in your face and you know you can get them.
Best thing I can say is to join a calm and cool alliance that gets the job done. Give up on some of those fast t4cc, 5* shards and you can actually have a life. We need to get the balance right, and certainly not depend on the devs to implement something so our life can be balanced.
Somehow my post got deleted, so here's a summary.
1) Use LINE app. When someone needs a node removed they can let you know. If you are sleeping, then that's that.
2) If someone else didn't do their job to bring down a node, then it's not just your responsibility to make up for their faults.
3) We all feel bad when we die on our alliance mates, no need to feel guilty about it. Keep it together, it's just a game. If your alliance mates give you a hard time, they certainly don't appreciate the days that you cleared even harder nodes and helped them out.
4) Good alliances rise above petty politics. They give time for personal life and events. I once left an alliance because my leader was a jerk and there was no point in waiting for him to change his attitude.
5) A good alliance doesn't tie you up. They give you time and let you be free. Like I said, get a decent alliance and not a highly competitive one.
6) For completionists, this mode will give another thing to do. Already there's too much to do. When there's free rewards to be had, it's hard to ignore.
You are responsible for a balanced life, not the devs of this game. So, get into a better alliance and live a better / balanced life. If such a mode gets implemented, then good, but I wouldn't hold my breath and let life slip away.
The problem with joining an alliance is that the game requires you to lose your life through the game to run map 5 and 6.
Currently we can not sleep, eat, see family, much less work while we have to remove the nodes.
Some summoners treat the game as a job and others are unable to play because they have jobs that actually pay and can not stay 24 hours playing straight.
Change that, please. We all play, we spend money, time and love in this game.
We want to continue playing, but many alliances treat the players as if they were ready-made employees even in the madrigadas to remove nodes, with no right to go out with the family, wife, children. This game was meant to be fun and not tiring.
As far as too much content in the game - players will have to choose each season - select Solo or Alliance mode. You can't do both at the same time. But players can go back and forth between each mode seasonally.
With Solo is similar to AW. The player places 15 of their champs on defense. There is then a matchmaking process with another player. You then bring in 3 teams of 3 again to take fight the opponent with similar nodes to AW.
The number of champs may not be right...but the basis of an idea that may grow into something else.