Please Disclose AW Season Crystal Drop Rate

While AW season crystals aren't directly purchased, a significant amount of units are invested in AW to score a high ranking and earn season crystals for advancement. Knowing the drop rates will impact whether alliances choose to spend units in war. Outside of the top 300 alliances, these crystals are the main prize sought after, as they are one of the only sources of T5B.
Season 2 starts tomorrow. Knowing how much T5B we can expect to receive will impact how hard some alliances choose to push in war. Please make this information public for all. There have been reports of a T5B fragment drop rate nerf since the initial distribution of the crystals, for those who chose to open them recently as opposed to their debut. ( see this post ). Video proof is also available on CaptainBayee's channel at the 3:01 mark here.
Season 2 starts tomorrow. Knowing how much T5B we can expect to receive will impact how hard some alliances choose to push in war. Please make this information public for all. There have been reports of a T5B fragment drop rate nerf since the initial distribution of the crystals, for those who chose to open them recently as opposed to their debut. ( see this post ). Video proof is also available on CaptainBayee's channel at the 3:01 mark here.