Looking for a few Serious Daily Players

We’ve been saving our crystals and not leveling up, so this coming weeks SA rewards are gonna be very nice. There’s a few members getting the boot today for lack of communication, and acceptable contributions to alliance events, and I’m looking for just a couple replacements. I can get you in before 3:00pm EST today, so you will also be able to collect the SA rewards we’ll be receiving next week.
We are currently in AW Tier 11, so we get a nice chunk of 5* shards weekly, and we are in the Advanced Tier for AQ. We finished Season 1 in the Silver 1 bracket and the type of players we are looking for would be those who are playing to reach Gold 1 by the end of Season 2 that just started yesterday. You will also we able to participate in AW today, as we will be starting matchmaking promptly at 5pm EST. You must have Line (because the In Game Chat platform is a complete joke ####).
If you’re serious about playing with an active daily alliance, please add me on Line and send me a message. My Line ID is bigdaddyrva.
You need to be above Level 25.
You need an available AW Defense Team of at least 15K (but I’m willing to give a chance to a truly active player)
If your skill level needs to improve, don’t worry so much about that right now, because we have some savages in our alliance. Right now what is most important, is that you are active daily and you do YOUR part to participate.

We are currently in AW Tier 11, so we get a nice chunk of 5* shards weekly, and we are in the Advanced Tier for AQ. We finished Season 1 in the Silver 1 bracket and the type of players we are looking for would be those who are playing to reach Gold 1 by the end of Season 2 that just started yesterday. You will also we able to participate in AW today, as we will be starting matchmaking promptly at 5pm EST. You must have Line (because the In Game Chat platform is a complete joke ####).
If you’re serious about playing with an active daily alliance, please add me on Line and send me a message. My Line ID is bigdaddyrva.
You need to be above Level 25.
You need an available AW Defense Team of at least 15K (but I’m willing to give a chance to a truly active player)
If your skill level needs to improve, don’t worry so much about that right now, because we have some savages in our alliance. Right now what is most important, is that you are active daily and you do YOUR part to participate.