Quake Channeling/Aftershock dealing 0 damage on Dismay node in Dungeon

I was just doing a dungeons run with a 4/55 unduped Quake fighting a Juggernaut mini-boss on the Dismay node. Was charging Quake's heavy for a very long time because Jugg had not charged in to trigger the evade, when all of a sudden Quake fires off the heavy despite my still holding the charging (this may have been a mechanical issue with my device, unless there is a timer for how long Quake can channel her heavy that I just had not reached previously). I take a hit, but because I have not hit Jugg during the fight, Dismay causes no damage, but I do get the debuff marker for it. I go back to charging Quake's heavy, but the channeling is doing no damage anymore. Aftershock charges are building, but regardless of how many I had when the timer ran out, Juggernaut took no damage and was not stunned. This happened despite having up to 15 aftershock charges (which should have guaranteed the stun). Concussion still triggered, and so I was evading his attacks, but Quake's primary mode of damage suddenly stopped working and she could no longer trigger stuns. This may be a bugged interaction with the Dismay node, and I just wanted to bring it to Kabam's attention or see if anybody else had similar issues.
Seems that by fixing an exploit, they now have broken Quake.
Kabam, by fixing the exploit, have bugged quake so she doesn’t work anymore. They fixed the exploit in weeks, wonder how long it’ll take for them to fix the bug.