We're a 10 mill alliance, relaxed and in gold 3 AWA.
AQ:- we run 44433, this gets use all the milestones in AQ and puts us in advance tier rank 701-1001.
Donations:- we don't have a set amount for donations, all we ask is you give what you can. If the treasury is running low though we will ask every member to donate at least 55k gold.
AW:- we ask every member to place there defenders within 20hrs and place at least 4/40 4*.
We don't push our members for events. However for completion at the start of the month we get all milestones, towards the end normally just the t1a.
Item use we always get all milestone.
Only thing we ask is members to be able to complete their lines in AQ and AWA.
Couldn't find you on line, if your interests drop me a pm in line:- prime_zombination
We are an organized 10 mil Gold 3 alliance. We are active and have a growth mindset. We play 44332 in AQ and usually run 2 BG's for war. It is a nice mix of fun, at ease play and focusing on growth. We use discord for team comms. If you have not found a good fit to land into, get a hold of me on line @groundround. Thanks, and good luck.
AQ:- we run 44433, this gets use all the milestones in AQ and puts us in advance tier rank 701-1001.
Donations:- we don't have a set amount for donations, all we ask is you give what you can. If the treasury is running low though we will ask every member to donate at least 55k gold.
AW:- we ask every member to place there defenders within 20hrs and place at least 4/40 4*.
We don't push our members for events. However for completion at the start of the month we get all milestones, towards the end normally just the t1a.
Item use we always get all milestone.
Only thing we ask is members to be able to complete their lines in AQ and AWA.
Couldn't find you on line, if your interests drop me a pm in line:- prime_zombination
We are an organized 10 mil Gold 3 alliance. We are active and have a growth mindset. We play 44332 in AQ and usually run 2 BG's for war. It is a nice mix of fun, at ease play and focusing on growth. We use discord for team comms. If you have not found a good fit to land into, get a hold of me on line @groundround. Thanks, and good luck.