Infinity Thanos

Primis00Primis00 Member Posts: 274 ★★★
During his phase when he becomes unstoppable his AI seems to break. he never dashes at me no matter what i do so i can never get an intercept thus dying because he gets me in a corner. what the hell am i supposed to do???


  • WildpantsWildpants Member Posts: 148
    I believe intercept after his heavy counts as well so try to bait heavy and hit him right after. I didn't test it with unstoppable but it gave me a safeguard in final phase so I assume it will work
  • Slux83Slux83 Member Posts: 357 ★★
    Yes I noticed the same @Happyadam00. The way I fixed it is by hitting his block 2-3 times, dash back and intercept.

    The normal intercept does not work really because he stops a bit in the mid of the dashing throwing you off
  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    I just created some space and allowed my champ to start running forward by itself, he should just start dashing at you at which point you can easily swipe right for an intercept. Worked for me on both of them just fine. Same method when he activates the death stone on the 2nd fight. If he doesn’t run at you just dash back and do the same again, he’ll go for it eventually just make sure you’re ready.
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