Thank you kabam, for the low energy EQ this month.

Thanks kabam, this is how every event quest energy count should be. Also, well done on the Thanos boss fight. Felt like a real boss, very well designed. No BS, just a lot of skill and practice needed.


  • RajutedaRajuteda Posts: 565 ★★
    Great job...hope it stays this way !!!
  • PandoraFlamePandoraFlame Posts: 110
  • DareDvlDanDareDvlDan Posts: 84
    The decreased energy for the final boss fights especially. It really sucked having to spend so much energy before even fighting the final boss last month.

    Great job on this month's EQ Kabam!
  • JDunk2291JDunk2291 Posts: 464 ★★
    edited May 2018
    That thanos is a MONSTER but the energy used to get to him makes up for the trouble fighting him...i havent beaten him yet but not stressed because i can easily just start over. I Appreciate this lol
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